Example sentences of "and [verb] [adj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Prince , aged 43 , said : ‘ I 'm a gardening fanatic , and became interested in buying the centre as soon as I heard it was available .
2 Fix the glass internally by overlapping the concrete surrounds , with a liberal ribbon of silicone sealer ( aquarium quality ) and make waterproof by smearing the silicone around all the internal joints .
3 We will back the work of the Broadcasting Standards Council and remain vigilant about ensuring high standards in satellite broadcasts from abroad .
4 Richard , however , had already made overtures of friendship to the Sicilian king and cemented this by giving him a rich and generous gift — Excalibur , the magical sword of King Arthur .
5 After numerous site visits and discussions with agricultural machinery specialists , a machine was designed and built capable of dispensing Actellic M20 evenly across each sludge bed at a rate of 2,000 litres per hour .
6 In everything you do and say connected with helping your elderly parent with her financial problems , your aim should be , as far as possible , to advise tactfully but allow the actual decisions to remain hers .
7 Pickering ( 1985:473 ) points out that members of West Ham United 's Inter City Firm once settled an old grudge against Millwall 's Bushwackers by throwing a rival hooligan under a passing train and stabbing another before leaving their personalised calling card : ‘ Nothing personal .
8 The old stock had given ‘ sterling service ’ over the years but was now at the end of its useful life and becoming notorious for rattling windows and engine noise .
9 Three children in the North-east were taken into care and their parents and other adults were charged and found guilty of using them sexually in their rituals .
10 Their partnership has yielded 14 goals so far and looks capable of keeping Villa in the forefront of the Premier Division title race .
11 Their partnership has yielded 14 goals so far and looks capable of keeping Villa in the forefront of the Premier Division title race .
12 At present the non-bank financial institutions collect the greater part of the personal sector financial surplus — the ‘ surplus income ’ which individuals are unable to use to finance real accumulation due to their separation from the means of production — and channel this into financing the government 's deficit , acquiring company shares , investing in property or overseas , all under the guidance of a speculative mode of calculation .
13 She refused all solid foods at home and seemed fastidious about getting her fingers sticky or dirty .
14 Assuming that you have found land which is potentially viable , your next step is to find out the work , time , and cost involved in realizing that potential .
15 " Power " , for example , is an ordinal attribute in which we might want to talk about individuals having " more " or " less " power than others and to reflect this in using the power of numbers to reflect " more " or " less " of some attribute in the same way that a higher number score on a test signifies a greater ability to do the test than a lower number .
16 You can keep your carpet in good condition and looking beautiful by following the simple instructions suggested in this leaflet .
17 Undo the clearing of tabs in the usual way ( by pressing Esc for Escape and tapping U for Undo )
18 Concede goals on the break and seem incapable of surviving the few moments in a match that we are under pressure .
19 In the 5th edition we find the following footnote to 270 : ‘ In order to maintain a fixed and measured standard for developing the power of liquid medicines , multiplied experience and careful observation have led me to adopt two succussions for each phial , in preference to the greater number formerly employed ( by which the medicines were too highly potentized ) .
20 If this is the case , it is better for employees to know and understand this before going abroad rather than to go out with high hopes only to return to Britain dispirited .
21 I walked across the moors as fast as I could , and arrived breathless at Wuthering Heights .
22 ‘ A lot of goalkeepers throw themselves around and look spectacular at taking crosses .
23 ‘ You go and give that in writing to my wife in the house .
24 She went on talking strongly , attacking Philip 's decline as a playwright , the way he had compromised and run dry by doing translations and hack comedies .
25 Unfortunately for those of a nervous DOSposition ( rotten pun , I know ) the FastLynx package has no install utility , so setting up the device drivers to enable what amounts to a two machine network involves rolling up the sleeves and getting stuck into editing a file or two .
26 Haverford asked on the children 's behalf , but they had already found it , scampering away through the display of giant dolls , plastic picnic tables , local cheese and wine , and returned resentful at having been glowered at by the resident guardian because they had n't understood the purpose of her saucer of lire .
27 The first session is designed to be one that gives y gets you accustomed to advocacy , to be non-threatening , and to be one where you can simply literally find your feet and get used to advocating in that way .
28 Therefore do all your final training in an 8 m x 8 m ( 9.5 yd x 9.5 yd ) area and get used to knowing exactly where you are in it .
29 Just write them out and get used to writing them .
30 Non-threatening , try and relax , just try and get used to standing on your feet .
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