Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb pp] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 RUSSIA 'S leaders vacillated between confrontation and compromise yesterday as President Boris Yeltsin softened his claim to special powers and parliament called an emergency session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to try to oust him .
2 But his words and attitudes heartened the Danzig Party , who had begun to feel that Berlin no longer cared for the city 's struggle against Poland and Polish trade .
3 bottle of wine and I drunk it you see , watching the match , and Jim done the dinner I said fuck it I 'm having my dinner in here cos , did n't it go into extra time ?
4 What I 'll do this morning is just give a general introduction to supply response , erm , and then er , on Friday , we 'll start to develop erm , theoretical models of agricultural supply and response called a Nirdel supply and response model .
5 If he is to meet his responsibilities , the chief executive must impose his will , his preferences , his policy choices on that ‘ maze of personalities and institutions called the government of the United States ’ .
6 Like his predecessor , Carter never really mastered ‘ that maze of personalities and institutions called the government of the United States ’ , and did not accomplish significant public policy change .
7 In 1880 Alexander Graham Bell filed a patent application on an ‘ apparatus for signalling and communicating called a Photophone ’ .
8 This is a quite unique privilege as the list of clubs and organizations granted the right to wear special ensign was closed several years ago .
9 At about the same time that Domesday was launched , the Department of Trade and Industry funded a £2 million interactive video project called Interactive Video in Schools ( IVIS ) .
10 Energy-hungry industries may well be exempted , and exporters given a rebate .
11 The tradition comes from the end of the 19th century when a succession of designers and craftsmen discoverd the Cotswolds for the first time .
12 My conclusions come from experiments in which comparison is made between subjects given discrimination training and subjects given a control procedure of some sort ( or sometimes , in the studies done with human subjects , no pre-training at all ) .
13 Mayne put his foot down and Seekings dispersed the enemy with a burst from the Vickers machine gun in the back .
14 When he ran to call the police trays of fish were upset and passers-by given the products .
15 In 1986 the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts appointed a commission of Serbian intellectuals to consider some of these problems , and by the autumn of that year a working group of that commission had prepared a draft ‘ Memorandum ’ which , although supposed to be confidential , was published in the Serbian press .
16 From this has emerged the suggestion that villages were an aberration in the landscape and that , in many cases , hamlets and farmsteads predated the villages and in some way represent a more normal form of settlement .
17 It was constructed to a traditional Perpendicular Gothic design , and despite the official proscription of Anglicanism , its internal lay-out and furnishings incorporated a number of obvious Laudian features .
18 It wants a limit on the tied house system and pubs given the chance to sell different types of beer .
19 After intense negotiations last night and this morning , Unions and Management agreed a set of proposals which were then put to U C W members .
20 In the Civil War Birmingham 's swords , pikes and armour equipped the parliamentarians , and the city 's fame spread .
21 A new respect for craftsmanship and for traditional skills and handicrafts imbued the art world in the late 19th century , encouraged largely by John Ruskin , the eminent art critic , and by William Morris , the poet , designer and Socialist pioneer whose philosophy inspired the Arts and Crafts movement , and who is best known today , perhaps , for his wallpaper designs .
22 warning , on application forms , that the decision to lend would take account of whether the applicant 's description of his background and circumstances matched the background and circumstances of typically good or typically bad payers — and an invitation to applicants , in view of this , to say whether and in what way their own background and circumstances might be unfavourably misleading about their ability to pay ;
23 Also during July , Horse and Hound distributed a questionnaire in 20,000 copies of the magazine , and analysed the first 1,017 to be returned .
24 Huw held out both hands , and Con unlaced the gloves expertly .
25 Marco Barbosa of the Sao Paulo Commission of Justice and Peace called the graveyard a " crime against human rights " .
26 The invention of back stairs and corridors rendered the family rooms increasingly private , since they now needed to be entered only for specific purposes , and no longer functioned as thoroughfares .
27 The unique features of the time and place structured the use of discretion .
28 A hole had been dug for the coffin , next to the place where Eileen had been buried only two short years ago , and boards propped the soil up at the sides .
29 Not only have Down and Donegal shown the way over the past couple of years but they have helped to generate tremendous interest in gaelic football .
30 Funding for training activities continued to be tight but Enterprise Training through its concentration on quality and output achieved an increase in revenue during the year .
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