Example sentences of "and [noun] [noun pl] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The owners of the Durham and Northumberland collieries showed their appreciation by presenting Davy with a set of silver plate worth £2500 ( a miner 's wage at the time was £50 a year ) at a testimonial dinner on 11 October , 1817 .
2 A New York d' but in 1932 with 33 encores , several colossal programmes during 1940 , and valuable teaching posts at Cornell and Mills Universities crowned his career .
3 It tailors its therapeutic help to meet each child 's needs and brings together residential and field workers to smooth their path out of care .
4 ‘ The FBI 's solution … is to force the telecommunications and computer industries to redesign their modernized systems to accommodate the Bureau 's needs …
5 His speech and comprehension problems made his initial rehabilitation treatment difficult .
6 Japanese and Russian officials in charge of diplomatic and defence policies held their first bilateral policy planning meeting on June 14-15 at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow .
7 Corruption , for example : local politicians in Harlem and the Bronx use school jobs to reward their followers and board members dip their hands into school tills , even pocketing the proceeds of fundraisers .
8 With the technical assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organisation it has begun digging terraces , and building dams to stop its topsoil disappearing .
9 ‘ In periods when banks and building societies reduce their holdings of gilts , extra sales to other sectors will be needed .
10 Before you are lured by the blandishments of the banks and building societies to tie your money up in fixed term bonds , think twice — you may be locking yourself out from some excellent investment opportunities .
11 Ron Morris tells how Roseberry 's first project involved residents in the Langridge Crescent area of Middlesbrough in planning and building homes to suit their need for both housing and employment .
12 This work is then " presented " to the client , probably by the creative team , with the agency top brass in attendance , who outline the campaign strategy with the media and research departments explaining their conclusions .
13 After successfully excising a branchial cyst in the right neck the surgeon was faced with a deeper non-pulsatile cyst under considerable tension , with fine nerves and blood vessels traversing its wall .
14 In the first half his passing had the right weight and direction to give Williams and Wright opportunities to use their speed against the Yugoslav defence and bypass the sweeper , Petric .
15 The ending of the pulse must occur before the address and data lines change their states otherwise data intended for one address may erroneously be written into the previous address as well .
16 True , this time Mota faced the formidable Polish runner Wanda Panfil who was enjoying a two-year unbeaten run and marathon enthusiasts licked their lips in anticipation .
17 Jilly and the band in mini-skirts and sandals led the patrol , Nigel came next wearing a fireman 's helmet and carrying a stuffed bird on a stick , then the lads in a variety of truncated nightgowns and horse brasses jangled their way down the hill .
18 The 12 children in Lucas and Kenton wards opened their stockings before Santa arrived with other gifts yesterday .
19 FORON uses a mix of butane and propane gases to cool its fridges , rather than CFCs .
20 On Dec. 14-15 Clinton held a two-day televised economic seminar at which more than 300 academics , business and labour leaders presented their views on the economy to the President-elect and his economic appointees .
21 This resistance can only be overcome as you gently persuade and cajole subordinates to expand their horizons .
22 In the Troll Country Chaos warbands fight each other for supremacy and Orc armies gather their strength to invade south .
23 She was flicked back against him , clamped closer with one powerful arm , and as he looked down at her , hard and intent , he made brief , rhythmic movements , flexing chest and thigh muscles to make her slide down his body , her heart hammering … he was practically making love to her on the dance-floor .
24 This is quite easy with the E6000 as the width of the knitting is programmed into the console , but on the Duomatic 80 , when knitting with the Deco and one colour , watch that the lock passes far enough past the right edge of the work to allow the Deco and arrow keys to do their job properly .
25 Since then , meetings , election arts manifesto commitments , letters to ministers and MPs and information to film and crafts workers to develop their own pressure points have all been sustained , as bulging files show !
26 Electrical reliability is a constant cause of aggravation for many crews and too many lights , wipers and heater fans took their toll on small batteries and hot , over-worked dynamos .
27 Probably because he 'd been so much on her mind , she instantly fell into dreaming of Adam , his dark fathomless eyes and granite features dominating her sleep .
28 The fact that thoughts , desires and sound waves influence our environment is no longer an abstract theory , and controlled experiments have scientifically verified that the healthy growth of plants can , for example , be promoted by certain music along with harmonious and positive thoughts and behavioural patterns .
29 This had been demonstrated by the rise in US imports of manufactured goods , which rocketed by 27 per cent in 1972 following a 20 per cent rise in 1971 : ‘ it was evident that industry abroad was making major adjustments and marketing efforts to enlarge its share of the US market ’ ( Gilbert , 1980 , p. 105 ) .
30 Tony , of Scarisbrick Drive , Norris Green , plays for the local East Villa club and team mates joined his father , Michael , in an all-night vigil at Walton Hospital .
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