Example sentences of "and [noun] [adv] [vb base] and " in BNC.

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1 In this author philosophy and fiction continuously interact and are , at most , only formally distinct .
2 That information arises from what individuals and organizations collectively define and act upon .
3 If the Community is built on anything other than a recognition that people and nations often disagree and argue , then it will blow apart in time , or , worse , have to maintained by ever more centralised power .
4 First , I was a gypsy and gypsies never forget and they never forgive .
5 Inevitably this led to confusion as to where the centre of power and decision-making really lay and seemed to preclude the maintenance of a coherent policy .
6 In period the players A and B respectively choose and simultaneously .
7 There wuz a bit of trouble outside the school gates when Sinead O'Connor said she was n't coming on the trip because she disapproved of buzzes and then she got on and took the best seat , ie the one at the back where me and Graham normally sit and smoke No6 .
8 As it happened , only women attended , although fathers and grandfathers regularly drop and collect some children .
9 Critics point out that poverty , homelessness and poor standards in both health and education still exist and that the only remedy offered by supporters of the Welfare State is to ‘ spend more money ’ , with no assurance that demand will ever be met .
10 There are two aspects of the lift to which comment and criticism constantly return and , before leaving the technological issues to the mercy of future critics , we should return to them for a moment .
11 Why do all the world 's bank depositors and borrowers not establish and use euro-markets in their own currencies ?
12 A playwright is a man who writes plays like the one in your hand , only he wrote plays nearly four hundred years ago and people still go and see them being performed . ’
13 ‘ After a longer period , donors and patients sometimes meet and some have become great friends . ’
14 It 's going to be difficult for everybody but I believe that this is a period when again it rather highlights er the priorities in terms of what clubs and members actually want and what they are prepared to work for .
15 Sickness and exhaustion often disappear and give way to a sense of emotional wellbeing .
16 I know from my photographic experience that both paper and acetate readily stretch and shrink with changes in humidity and that even the finest 0.10mm line represents 2.5m on the ground .
17 Later John Smith made Messrs Lamont and Major visibly squirm and reduced the Tory back-benchers to silence when he read out quote after quote from the Conservatives pledging not to extend VAT .
18 It is my contention that entrenchment and cynicism both reflect and serve to heighten an atmosphere of demoralization ; that they arise as a result of a semi-conscious decision by teachers about how to cope with doubts and demands ; that while this stance often seems the only possible option it is a mistake to adopt it ; and that through insight into the dynamics of the decision-making process , a better stance can be found , even in very trying circumstances , that offers a greater opportunity for personal satisfaction and institutional success .
19 But should health clubs and gyms really keep and actively promote machines that can potentially do us harm ?
20 The populations of predators and prey both rise and fall violently .
21 Although the Society of Gardeners gave their name to the Catalogus Plantarum ( Catalogue of Trees and Shrubs both Exotick and Domestic that are Hardy enough to Bear the Cold of our Climate in the Open Air and are Propagated for Sale in the Gardens near London ) 1730 , Philip Miller and Thomas Fairchild are thought to have been its chief promoters .
22 Charles Dollar has pointed out that archivists and librarians both preserve and provide access to information ( 1992 ) .
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