Example sentences of "and [noun] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You may like to add the name of one or two referees to your c.v. , either to vouch for your general honesty and reliability or to confirm that you have the skills and experience you claim in the c.v .
2 It was concluded that the media had no business either relaying bad news about government and party policies and activities or suggesting that alternative measures might be better .
3 She peered at its various buttons and dials and wondered if it were possible to wreck it by unintentional mis-setting .
4 He described Nato as a forum where Western countries would work together to negotiate agreements between East and West and see that they were implemented and verifiable .
5 The culture-ideology of consumerism produces the values and attitudes that create and sustain the need for the products .
6 Finally , after he had given them a pledge supported by the oaths of Danish leaders , they completely rejected Edmund 's brothers and sons and denied that they were kings .
7 The head lay harmlessly flattened into the grass , but the broken shaft pierced through Cynan 's tunic and shirt and stabbed and splintered against his ribs .
8 This can happen in the closest of relationships when the parent is wanting to be caring and kind but realizes that some limits need to be set .
9 He was full of minor nervous habits : an eye-twitch , a frequent snapping of the thumbs and fingers when reading or in conversation , a flicking of the tongue before starting a speech , and , in a rather different category , an addiction to putting objects , particularly books , but matches , pipes , paper knives and almost anything else as well , to his nostrils and audibly sniffing at them .
10 Violent and peaceful social interaction is not to be understood through the search for a thing called ‘ aggression ’ , but through the sensitive and detailed explication of the values and meanings that embody and shape behaviour in different social settings .
11 He had decided that it was time to think things through and settle them once and for all , but whenever he started thinking about Zeinab thoughts became memories of touch and smell and look and emotion and he became most unsettled .
12 He turned my face to his and kissed them away — overpowering me with such a potent mixture of excitement and tenderness and yearning that I almost swooned .
13 Erm well in in the context of what I did say yesterday it 'll come as no great surprise to anyone that like Ryedale we also accept the North Yorkshire County County figures , erm which in short we we find are based on reasonable assumptions and and and an appropriate methodology , compared to some of the more extreme interpretations and projections that have that have been put forward , if I can illustrate that point by reference to er potential building rates , that the highest figure that 's been suggested is the one put forward by Mr Grigson , of Barton Willmore , I 'm talking for the moment about Greater York generally , and I 'll come onto the Selby aspect in a minute .
14 The music and flashing lights move in time , producing a moving blur of colours and patterns that dissolve and fade into each other But the Gyuto monks were a bit of a bore with their constant thudding chants of ‘ ohhm' .
15 Rehearsals save you being embarrassed in the meeting by broken light bulbs , out of focus films , a speaker half an hour late because he could n't find anywhere to park , and shrieks and howls as the public address system does its best to drown the speaker .
16 The grazier 's main problems are to provide leys of palatable and nutritious grasses and clovers and to see that these are consumed in the lush , leafy state before they grow to stem and seed .
17 The curator , John Elderfield , muses on the rival reputations of Matisse and Picasso and suggests that Matisse 's real influence has yet to make itself felt : ‘ I am going to be very interested to see whether this exhibition will have an effect on contemporary painting ’
18 But they all tightened their belts and after a great deal of grunting and squeezing and pulling and pushing they emerged , one by one , into the moonlit churchyard .
19 Might the consequence of that be , that people then go out and murder and steal and rape and fight wars , and do all , do all these kinds anti-social things ?
20 She pants and pouts and poses and scweams .
21 HE IS EXACTLY what the media find hard to deal with : a mixture of self-containment and outspokenness that demands that it be taken , or left , for what it is .
22 On the other hand I am prepared to get on my hands and knees and see if there is any rem in dogs .
23 In Western cooking such a mixture can add zing to almost anything from scrambled eggs to vegetables , soups , stews and sauces and poached or baked fruits , with the grateful advantage that the result will not taste as though you have succumbed to panic and thrown in a spoonful of curry powder .
24 We 're willing to come forward and talk and try and do things .
25 And now there was rarely a day when she did n't walk the half mile over the headland to sit in Alice 's kitchen and talk and watch while she worked .
26 On moonlight nights , we , the women , used to sit there and talk or sing and prepare and eat Pan ( betel leaf ) .
27 Then one day I was standing there on a dune top , straining against the pull of the wind in the kite , gripping and hauling and sensing and adjusting and twisting , when one of those twists became like a strangle around Esmerelda 's neck , and the idea was there .
28 The final and comprehensive pose struck by the Nun 's Priest is one that exemplifies the high ethic of the Canterbury Tales — a pragmatic and tolerant attitude of human good fellowship — by virtue of the truly merry tale that the Nun 's Priest tells , laughing at and with his characters and readers but scorning and destroying none .
29 They were still doing jobs at that were long since dispensed with at you know , marshalling and that and methods that adopted and the shunting techniques .
30 Well I I was in the east end and of course where my mum and my aunt worked it was mostly sort of cleaning and scrubbing and charring and turning mangles in the back garden and all sorts of things .
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