Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] us [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Children described to the interviewers how they had been referred to the library to find information on Inuits and Eskimos in basic studies , Scott of the Antarctic in history , and Alexander Fleming in science , while one child described how : In RE sometimes Miss asks us to go and find out ( like ) some information and also in literacy ( like ) there are some people who write letters backwards and Miss asks us to go back and see if we could find any .
2 There is an account of the rock and roll evening last month , and Sarah invites us to participate in a Xmas trip on the ‘ Santa Special ’ .
3 As we get older reality requires that the ideal and the self are reconciled ; ambitions are relaxed ; unrealistic goals are abandoned as time and opportunity compel us to change the idealized concept we have for ourselves .
4 Thinking of our dead parents and brothers makes us determined to continue to fight against this repressive government .
5 Malc 's Mom held a small reception for us , doing the catering herself ( potted meat sandwiches with the crusts cut off ) and paid for a four-day honeymoon in Blackpool , where the landlady would sell us contraceptives — I was n't showing , and pride forced us to put on an act — but said we were too young to smoke and refused us cigarettes .
6 To crown it all , we shall realise that this strong link between the Spirit and Jesus leads us to think of him in personal terms , as the one who makes Jesus real to us and works out in the common clay of our lives the priceless treasure of Christ 's character .
7 However , I can agree with comments made by others that the way forward lies in a package of investment in small business , training and education to enable us to capitalise on the skills which exist .
8 But the fact that God has given principles and priorities helps us to cut through this veil of emotional haze with certainty that can only be attained from the Master 's plan .
9 The references to Jericho in both Numbers and Deuteronomy lead us to expect that once the people have crossed the river the city will be the first obstacle in the way of their advance deeper into the Land .
10 The body is a machine — an extremely powerful machine too — pounding away day and night to keep us going in top gear , and capable of withstanding serious damage .
11 We went to a beach north of Frinton and ate ice-cream and rock and hired deck-chairs and Oliver got us to write our names in big letters in the sand and photograph one another standing next to them .
12 Newspapers and television implore us to slit all the candy open to ensure that it contains no foreign body .
13 As our seventy fifth birthday approaches , Cadbury hopes to stage more events and promotions to help us meet our seventy five million t pound target and meet our commitment to the world 's children .
14 I do n't know why Ma and Father make us come .
15 No , well he was a bit of a public figure , see , and people like us do n't care for that . ’
16 The straight line represents the equilibrium relation between V and T. Let us consider a polymer or specific volume V2 at temperature T2 , which cools fast to temperature T3 .
17 It is undeniable that the individualized character of the Reeve is very prominent as a result of his self-reflexions in his prologue , and that the common theme of the scales of justice in Prologue and Tale invites us to make our own assessments of characters and actions there portrayed .
18 Far from Mr Atkins being considered the distant , unsympathetic figure depicted in the article , he has been a frequent visitor to the school over the past two years , giving support and advice to help us achieve our aims .
19 However , our continuing commitment to control headcount and spending enabled us to increase turnover per employee above $300,000 for the first time , and reduce our operating expenses as a percentage of revenues . ’
20 However , our continuing commitment to control headcount and spending enabled us to increase turnover per employee above $300,000 for the first time , and reduce our operating expenses as a percentage of revenues . ’
21 As we do this we are less and less able to act positively as we resort to distractions and procrastination to prevent us dealing with what we have suppressed and keep our minds as quiet as possible .
22 As Christians , the awareness that Christ is the source of our love and significance frees us to serve our partner and staff to their weaknesses to help them become the man or woman God intended them to be .
23 To sum up , bitonality and polytonality allow us to produce music which has a feeling of modernity , even though each voice may be simple and diatonic .
24 Any information is better than none : the fact that the results are inevitably partial and suggestive rather than comprehensive and definitive should if anything increase our appreciation of those who spent so much time and effort to help us to obtain a clearer picture .
25 It is often argued , for example , that concepts of country and city give us decreasing analytical purchase on the way in which advanced capitalist societies are developing .
26 But we do need more friends and volunteers to help us get out and about so that we do n't feel life 's passing us by . ’
27 A new born baby can be really quite chubby and these little premature babies have very , very little fat under their skin and fat insulates us does n't it ?
28 And Caspar helped us to escape .
29 IT WAS THE YEAR that electric cars were big but two-strokes were bigger as Jaguar told us of a supercharged two-stroke future and Pininfarina let us drive the Ethos .
30 And Eliot lets us know that he had to argue with Pound , who wanted in some items that Eliot excluded , and wanted out some items on which Eliot insisted .
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