Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The only two things that Chelmsford and Backnong have in common are our industry base ( we have Macronis in Chelmsford , Backnong has a similar electronic industry based in the town ) and the fact that they , as we do , have a river running through their town centre .
2 However , his ultimate intentions must remain doubtful because in September Warwick and Clarence invaded with French backing and Edward and his brother had to flee into exile in the Low Countries .
3 However , his ultimate intentions must remain doubtful because in September Warwick and Clarence invaded with French backing and Edward and his brother had to flee into exile in the Low Countries .
4 In West Mercia , there have been regular reissues of Force Orders to remind members to be circumspect in their dissertations and essays prepared for part-time diplomas in Management Services or the NEBS qualification which is now an integral part of inspector training .
5 The Guest Speaker was KBE , Chairman of the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and Chairman Designate of Scottish Natural Heritage .
6 Rogers is now established as a United first-teamer , and Bassett said of 20-year-old Scott : ‘ He also has the potential to make the grade . ’
7 This willingness by police and pickets to engage in violent confrontation was dramatically revealed during the 1984–5 coal dispute .
8 This is a collection of words and phrases in statutes which have been interpreted by the judges , together with statutory definitions of terms and definitions advanced by legal writers .
9 Figure 12.1 outlines the major regulatory responsibilities and enactments relating to financial regulation .
10 as a whole one is talking about something like 70 million small mammals and birds killed by domestic cats every year .
11 Both of these ebullient works testify to the natural world as a paradise : a fact emphasised by the accuracy of the painter , whose easily identifiable plants and birds derive from different seasons and regions and could never have co-existed in reality .
12 On the contrary , many of the cultures and their interrelationships are deeply marked by relations of discrimination and subordination stemming from structural inequalities .
13 Apart from its wrongness in principle , it is ineffective , since the wrongdoing continues without being subject to public censure , which is the way that society typically brings pressure on individuals and groups to conform to civilised norms .
14 There was some room for individuals and groups to experiment with limited co-operation across factional lines if they could temporarily forget their religious and sometimes political differences .
15 These religions and groups stand in direct opposition to ‘ the gospel of the grace of God . ’
16 Hilbert and Lewis and Beryl sat in old-fashioned deck chairs with striped canvas seats .
17 The shells of shops and houses rose from scrubby grasslands .
18 The full benefits of price stability and statutory independence for the European central bank , and indeed for the Bank of England — that must be a necessary institutional corollary — will be enjoyed only if a future Government and Parliament agree in good time to adopt a single European currency .
19 Big serious routes on its south and west faces on perfect granite do n't appear in Collomb , but details are easily gained if you can speak and read French .
20 Originally the coastal Eskimos , Chukchis and Koryaks lived in subterranean lodges like those of the Nivkhs .
21 Marche is blessed with an abundance of golden beaches and resorts packed with up-to-the-minute facilities and entertainment .
22 A basic pack with video which covers skills and attitudes required for effective work with families in their homes .
23 Within a single tree family , there can be a wide range of bee pollinators , as in the Lecythidaceae of Amazonia , one of the most important families there , with different morphological flower types and rewards associated with different bee sizes .
24 Coins of all periods and cultures behave in similar ways as economic objects , and we can therefore apply the same methods of economic study to all of them .
25 It is truly remarkable that , given the scant time for leisure , a fine appreciation of music and literature existed in certain isolated pockets of Baldersdale which Hannah was privileged to enjoy .
26 Many diptera bask in sunlight inside flowers , warming themselves and at the same time facilitating pollination ; hordes settle on conspicuous dark or bright surfaces when air temperatures are low , and beetles collect on sunny patches of ground that are sheltered from wind , indicating a constant need for warming .
27 One of the few but important things Preston and William had in common as children was the dominant role of women in their lives .
28 The departure of Macaraig , who was also the government 's energy co-ordinator , was hastened by confusion and discontent caused by sharp cuts in retail price subsidies for petrol announced earlier in the month .
29 He needs to have time and freedom to concentrate on proper spending ! )
30 Significant measures of freedom are necessary if the student is to acquire the virtues of intellectual independence , toughness , empathy with others ' views , and willingness to engage in meaningful conversation .
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