Example sentences of "of being [vb pp] as a " in BNC.

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1 At the risk of being regarded as a gardening Miss Marple or Sherlock Holmes , it is a good idea to have a magnifying glass in your pocket when you take a turn around the roses .
2 Yet despite his undoubted success Reid has never really got past the stage of being regarded as a ‘ nearly man ’ a jockey who never quite clicked with the racing public .
3 Some of the disadvantages of being treated as a believer rather than a researcher were experienced in a rather dramatic fashion by a sociologist who , while studying a Hindu sect , underwent a perfectly genuine conversion .
4 Secondly , if , instead of being treated as a claim about the actual functioning of the suggested markets , the argument is taken to mean that it is possible to design a set of rules such that the proposed markets do operate to restrain corporate managerial power , it encounters an overwhelming obstacle .
5 At the risk of being treated as a terrible simplifier I venture to assert that the author of Daniel 7–12 was evidently writing or at least putting the last touches to his prophecies immediately after the reconsecration of the Temple ( in December 164 ? ) .
6 Paul Lexington had too much at stake in the production to take the risk of being discovered as a murderer .
7 However , it would be simplistic to conclude that the two Mcs ( McLuhan and McDonald 's ) have succeeded in shaping the global village in the form of a fast food outlet or that the ‘ real ’ world is in the process of being reconstructed as a universal theme park along the lines of Disneyland .
8 No matter how often we tell people that a dog is for life , not just for Christmas , some are always abandoned within hours of being given as a present . ’
9 He had the advantage of being seen as a man of peace , whereas Reagan made many voters nervous .
10 Was it just the wine , or the heart-warming sense of being seen as a beautiful woman ?
11 We felt that a positive message delivered through TV advertising could help us regain the position of being seen as a market leader , a quality provider and a major innovator in financial services .
12 This has the advantage of being expressed as a number and is thus amenable to statistical analysis , but it does not recognise different types of colonic pressure waves .
13 On the other hand , if you appear too submissive you stand in danger of being dismissed as a bit of a weed .
14 The relief only applies to accommodation that is ‘ part of your main home ’ , so if you are thinking of creating a separate flatlet , you will need to take care that this qualifies and that it is not at risk of being assessed as a commercial let .
15 Although nobody dared suggest to Ceauşescu that he might be mortal or that the victory of socialism might not be permanent , the new Civic Centre in Bucharest had the air of being constructed as a vast set of archaeological remains , whose scale and purpose would baffle future generations like the lost pyramid-cities of the Guatemalan jungle .
16 In practice , the chance of being selected as a bone marrow donor is therefore very slim and although on the register you may in fact never match with a patient .
17 From the cast only Carole Ann Ford intimated a wish to leave , somewhat worried at the prospect of being typecast as a ‘ screaming teenager ’ .
18 In any case , the overall pattern tends toward a " U " or " J " shape , with pregnancies of intermediate ( from second to fifth , in general ) order having , on the whole , the greatest probability of being delivered as a live birth .
19 aye that 's exactly what he was on about , getting interviewed on that , I mean I 've see the trailer on it , they were showing them scenes , he 's sick of being typecasted as a hard macho man in films , he wants to do something different family films
20 In Webb the employer was allowed to put forward an explanation , which was accepted as being gender-neutral , that an employee was needed at a specific time to be trained and to cover for a period of maternity leave with the probability of being retained as a permanent employee .
21 Francis Maginn , the Belfast Missioner and B.D.D.A. Vice-President , suffered the indignity of being arrested as a suspected spy while visiting Glasgow .
22 For a long time it had been accepted that humans could not survive on worlds which were in orbit around any sun which was capable of being classed as a red giant .
23 His remarks were made when one of the locations used to store a unique collection of German literature taken from Germany in 1945 was recently handed back to the Orthodox Church , after four decades of being used as a store for the collection .
24 So that , when young gentlemen were on the rampage , the past — instead of being used as a stick with which to beat the deteriorated present — became the justification for taking a lenient view .
25 American courts were to exercise a special vigilance to protect foreign litigants from abusive discovery , for example demands for excessive numbers of depositions or documents involving high transportation costs and capable of being used as a device to secure a settlement of the case .
26 It emerged that when oestrogen was taken on its own , the lining of the womb would build up each month and remain there instead of being shed as a period .
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