Example sentences of "of many [noun pl] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This was a story he told all his life ; it was just the first of many miracles with which he believed he was blessed .
2 The prevailing ethos today is that the state not the individual is responsible for his welfare , that the erosion of private property rights and the control by the state of many areas of our lives is legitimate and welcome and that the distribution of wealth must take precedence over its creation .
3 Charles Barry Junior , who chaired the lecture , spoke warmly of ‘ his great , his exceeding kindness to all those younger than himself ’ , having been the recipient of many instances of it in his own career .
4 However , police forces reject the Home Office figures because they do not take account of many cases in which a caution is not recorded .
5 It also showed that the greatest health worry of many companies for their male employees was smoking , but added that computers and visual display units ( VDUs ) were rated greater health risks for women .
6 Today 's children have been IBM written in xenon atoms ; they learn ( without comment from anyone ) the shape of India , the Earth 's distance from the moon , dinosaurs and many other things they will never verify themselves ; yet the first reaction of many adults to our lessons is ‘ How do you get them to believe ’ ?
7 The second method was more peculiar to Morgan and was to be the source of many controversies in his time .
8 For Edward it was the third of many stages on his career as a writer :
9 The shortage of many goods for which high wartime wages had been saved sent prices soaring .
10 This was the first of many hints by which the reader would come to understand , before Rassendyll himself , how deep and important the difference in character was by contrast with the ‘ striking , salient , wonderful ’ physical likeness .
11 He says there 's a large lump on the vertebrae , but it 's one of many problems in my back . ’
12 Her account of her first visit to the oakum sheds of the workhouse must have been typical of the experience of many women from her background .
13 That , police said later , was just one of many differences between him and the super-rich daredevil namesake .
14 To dwell on the Caledonian Canal for a moment , this was my first of many passages through which is for me the most beautiful of all the canals — the ultimate in inland waterways , so I had been looking forward to it immensely .
15 Father God , We are conscious of many tensions within our own society , particularly at this time of recession and high unemployment .
16 The revelations of Watergate shook the confidence of many Americans in their entire political system , which almost ground to a halt in the 18 months before Nixon 's resignation .
17 It could have been any one of many faces opposite me in a fashionable Italian restaurant , a woman heavily scented , expensively ajingle .
18 If this causes difficulties for some , Foucault 's scepticism with regard to the tendency to inflate the effect of individual agency can only be compared to the position of many Marxisms in which resistance and revolution are hardly the privilege of the individual as such , but rather of collective class action .
19 Sir : A few hours after reading Terry Coleman 's article on the United Nations General Assembly ( 30 September ) , I came across this passage in Trollope 's Barchester Towers , which exactly expressed my feelings , and , I hope , those of many others of your readers : I know no life that must be so delicious as that of a writer for the newspapers … to thunder forth accusations against men in power ; show up the worst side of everything that is produced ; to pick holes in every coat ; to be indignant , sarcastic , jocose , moral , or supercilious ; to damn with faint praise , or crush with open calumny .
20 Her extensive learning was acquired in spite of many disruptions in her life .
21 That is just one of many anomalies in what will be a long list in Committee .
22 It was the first of many speeches in which by the measured and skilful deployment of moderate words he visibly affected the opinions of a crucial audience .
23 There is a murmur of many voices about it , but the one that comes through is not that of Stephen Daedalus , a little older now , but still recognisably kin to the Stephen of The Portrait , not his voice , but that of Leopold Bloom .
24 We are also looking at how we might make more intensive use of many co-products from our plants .
25 Since immigrants from hot countries have settled here for generations , surviving the cold , icy blast , the hybrid ‘ English , ’ with the blood of many nations in their veins will not turn a hair at the cooler climate or the cooler neighbours .
26 Even if such a sweeping conclusion is not warranted , retributivists should be strongly critical of many aspects of our penal system , not least the lack of consistency in sentencing practices ( see Chapter 4 ) which means that offenders are to a great extent not dealt with in proportion to their just deserts .
27 The argument is that serious sexual assaults , and the attitude of many men towards them , derive from a male-dominated approach to sexuality in which aggressive sexual behaviour by males is praised or condoned whilst women are associated with passivity .
28 Fictitious precision though is just one of many ways in which managers can be misled by numbers .
29 From this viewpoint , cost simply becomes one of many ways in which the product may be seen to be different from others .
30 And this is one of many ways in which ordinary communication between people depends on our having a very powerful memory , having the ability to look out for situations that we 've been warned about , and to take action in accordance with instructions that we 've been given previously and have stored up .
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