Example sentences of "of our [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 26 The 24hr Tour de Matthey David Jackson 's 250 mile cycling challenge in aid of our Charity of the Year
2 I undertook to make it one of the priorities of our presidency of the European Community later this year to carry through an improved trade and co-operation agreement with Russia .
3 Light , of course , is an expression of our experience of the electromagnetic energy field itself .
4 We chose the following three dads as the winners of our Top of the Pops Competition because they either warmed our hearts or made us laugh .
5 We chose the following three dads as the winners of our Top of the Pops Competition because they either warmed our hearts or made us laugh .
6 This makes no biological sense , of course , but it has a certain psychological validity , in that the significance to most members of our society of the difference between , say , a thrush and a blackbird is roughly comparable to that between a collie and a spaniel .
7 Well we had a r a sch classroom in the infants school there for our headquarters and er storing cos we used to make use , we had a palliasse on the floor for when we was on night duty erm but I can never understand why we had our he headquarters over there but we had to do guard duties over in the elementary school on th school on the other side because that was the only one that had got a telephone and we had to man the telephones from the Brigade Headquarters or the to be able to phone to should they want us to be called out and so we had to do the guard duty over there but we slept in the , when we was off duty we was in er Alma Green School and that was there and then the we moved from there eventually and th th the longest part of our life of the Home Guard , the headquarters was at the cottage , I 've been trying to think what the name of the cottage is , it ha it , it has a name it 's the cottage next door to the Sir Robert Peel public house in Bell Lane .
8 Bevin was much concerned that the revolution of allied public feeling after Truman 's confused press statement of 30 November 1950 about the possible use of nuclear weapons in Korea had compelled the President to retract it and ‘ thus weakened the deterrent effect of our possession of the atomic weapon ’ .
9 Further — and this was where Kant moved decidedly beyond Hume and everyone else before him — even the most fundamental categories which we use to supply the framework of our knowledge of the world , those of space and time , must be set in this light .
10 The figure ( 5' to 3' , left to right ) represents a composite of our knowledge of the GGF gene based on sequence analysis of 14 different mammalian mRNAs and on partial characterization of the bovine gene structure .
11 Therefore , most of our knowledge of the make-up of the stars has been drawn from instruments based upon the principle of the spectroscope .
12 There are local sceptical arguments of this strongest type , as we shall see in chapter 5 ( our knowledge of other minds ) ; and in our discussion of our knowledge of the past and of the future ( chapters 10 and 11 ) we shall have to bear in mind arguments that it is impossible to conceive of an event as other than present , i.e. as being in the past or in the future .
13 It has a high altar with fine gilded carving and a sixteenth-century sculpture of Our Lady of the Rosary .
14 The church was built in 1761 , and the images of Our Lady of the Incarnation and the Crucified Christ date from the same period .
15 Children play beneath the Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception , Panjim .
16 Just after half-past eight on the morning of 3 January a small group of men and women entered the porch of Our Lady of the Seven Dolours in the Fulham Road .
17 This time the message was addressed to his friend John Macnab , who was among those kneeling before the altar of Our Lady of the Seven Dolours .
18 He told her Ford Madox Ford 's delightful story of the portrait-sculpture of Our Lady of the Castle from St Etienne des Grès .
19 On Sept. 10 the Pope consecrated the basilica of Our Lady of the Peace in Yamoussoukro , Côte d'Ivoire [ see also p. 37700 ] .
20 There are two fine examples in Wroclaw : the Church of the Holy Cross and the Church of Our Lady of the Sands .
21 Both this church and the Church of Our Lady of the Sands ( na Piasky ) have Piast vaults .
22 The Church of Our Lady of the Sands was badly damaged but has been beautifully restored ( 556 ) .
23 That our instinctive loathing for the way Dr. Briant is manipulating human life , is using a human child as a lever to open the box that holds God 's secrets about life , our response , I say , is not reactionary , not the stupid fears of little men , but is born of our awareness of the dangers of knowing too much , is a God-given warning , if you like .
24 A sense of humour mixed with the weighty seriousness of our companion of the night is shown to the full in this place .
25 Instead , he commented : ‘ I think the poll reflects the misery of our part of the country .
26 Please discuss the conclusions of your review at the end of our discussion of the draft committee reports next Wednesday morning ( 25th ) .
27 Much of our discussion of the expressive order has concentrated on language and symbols in the form of conversation .
28 Mrs Jones wrote to the Daily Post after reading Mrs Harrison 's tragic story as part of our Battle of the Atlantic coverage .
29 Mrs Jones wrote to the Daily Post after reading Mrs Harrison 's tragic story as part of our Battle of the Atlantic coverage .
30 Er and that er in my view anyway demonstrated that we 'd got it about right in terms of our assessment of the effects of the Southern Bypass .
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