Example sentences of "of our [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Eleven years ago I wrote to the then President of our Institute making the case for expanding the role of the Institute .
2 The hermetic atmosphere in which the election was conducted was a celebration of the monotheistic religion of the market system , the diminishing of our capacity to change the world , the extinction of social hope .
3 By taking a particular line of thought , we bring out of our memory banks the shadows of past events that form an analogy with our present fear .
4 Sadly , it was inevitable that we could not keep up the pace against Twitchit Albion , especially with so many of our squad approaching the twilight of their careers .
5 He was dismissive of our plan to travel the length of the Nile .
6 Much of our work concerns the mantle of the forebrain , the neocortex , which is now recognized by anatomists to be divided into a number of subfields or ‘ areas ’ .
7 The organisation of our course recognizes the fact that our school population is of above average ability , and that our pupils and their parents wish to see real progress being made .
8 Inside the solid lumps of our brain lives the experience which appears to the subject as an ordered world , the room in which I write for example .
9 At least 72 of our sample left the printing trade during the war years , according to the records mostly in 1916–17 , although it seems likely that some had already left , since the city 's book trade went into immediate depression on the outbreak of war .
10 It is not so much a failure of one or other particular party , it is a failure of our culture to recognize the significance and importance of science and to elevate it within the nation more continuously and more substantially than governments of either party have chosen to do during the past 25 years .
11 Most of our panel do the job on a semi-voluntary basis , mostly for the love of the hobby , and out of concern for the welfare of fish in general .
12 It is the place which our neighbours find so fascinating that , in spite of our invitation to enter the living room , they say , ‘ I wo n't stay a moment ’ , but find that they stay thirty minutes !
13 ‘ I 've heard that it might be some test of our will near the end of my presidency , but those F-16s sent the message to him pretty clearly . ’
14 Of order in the universe ; of our ability to take the raw materials and weave them into a pattern of our choosing .
15 Its renewal is absolutely essential , not just as a clear message to the terrorists but as a vital part of our ability to safeguard the lives of our citizens .
16 A good example of our expenditure to protect the environment is a £45-million project at our Grangemouth refinery in Scotland , designed to reduce by 80% the the oil contained in waste water .
17 It was fascinating to hear , as they removed their crash-helmets , the beautifully modulated tones of the greatest Hamlet of our century enunciate the words , ‘ Ralph , dear boy , you really do drive much too fast ’ .
18 ‘ The Fringe Show , our evening classes and our monthly fleamarket are part of our aim to inform the public about the Centre and get them coming in as a starting point for integration .
19 It is precisely because of our wish to create the sort of free market and wide community that we have in mind that we have included , at our insistence and with the agreement of other colleagues , a declaration in the presidency conclusions about the future enlargement of the Community .
20 ‘ But the skills of our workforce won the day — and the prize at the end of it . ’
21 How much more that makes us aware of our duty to safeguard the world .
22 The validation of our model using the same selection criteria was also mandatory .
23 It can also lead to the efficacy of our advice becoming the burning issue of discussion .
24 This theoretical attempt to explain the ideological , institutional and material aspects of our oppression rejected the biological/Third Sex/'born that way ’ view of homosexuality , and located it firmly within society 's structures .
25 The intense barrage fire of our artillery sweeping the whole slope of the hill was at once a magnificent and awe-inspiring sight ; the Mort Homme flamed like a volcano , and the air and the earth alike trembled at the shock of thousands of bursting shells .
26 But just as the overall form of our body remains the same , despite the constant replacement of the atoms and molecules of which it is made , so is the overall form of nature maintained as identifiably the same old physical universe , though the pattern may alter markedly over the course of time .
27 Keen gardeners and fanatical car washers may have second thoughts about lavish spraying if we end up with a water meter at the bottom of our garden to measure the amount we actually use .
28 Was it up here above Aurillac that one of our party found the best picnic place in France ?
29 The beauty and simplicity of our countryside offers the most intimate , and to many the ultimate insight into the pleasures of our way of life .
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