Example sentences of "of one [prep] his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A man is under guard in hospital tonight while police wait to question him about the killing of one of his wife 's friends .
2 No less culpable was Artemesia 's father , ’ The trial only took place because Artemesia 's father , Aratsio , considered the rape a violation of one of his household objects which was now devalued.This was the only reason Tassi was taken to court , this and the fact that he stole some of Aratsio 's paintings . ’
3 ‘ Might as well pay you now , ’ he said , and pulled a little tin box out of one of his desk drawers , opened it , and began to count out her meagre wage .
4 Celsus deals with a testator who has instituted his daughter heir , and left a legacy in favour of one of his freedman who is charged with a trust to make property over to the testator 's concubine .
5 For a minute or two he relaxed ; with something approaching a smile on his face , he sat drumming his fingers on the tabletop and tapping the toe of one of his jungle boots on the verandah boards .
6 She waved her right hand in imitation of one of his patrician gestures .
7 This gives the salesperson the opportunity to offer a solution to such problems by means of one of his company 's products .
8 However , the legend that he therefore picked , almost at random , the name of one of his office clerks , is far from the truth .
9 If the auguries for Branwell Bronte were , at best , uncertain , the same could not have been said of the last leave-taking of one of his father 's predecessors at Haworth , the Rev. William Grimshaw ( 1508–63 ) , of whom John Wesley wrote :
10 However , it was his decision to marry the daughter of one of his father 's political rivals , and a defeated one at that , which brought into the open his unreliability from the clan 's point of view .
11 Ranulf and Dame Agatha were waiting for him near the Galilee Gate , the young nun apparently enjoying an account of one of his manservant 's many escapades in London .
12 The Freud who emerges from these recollections of one of his prize patients is evidently quite sincere , ‘ liberal ’ in a Hampstead-ish way , thoroughly well-intentioned , but dogmatic , arrogant and autocratic .
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