Example sentences of "of his [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 Today it had doubled , crossed from one side of his forehead to the other , and reinforced a series of furrows rather than wrinkles , that made his broad white forehead look like a new-ploughed field covered in snow .
2 Up to now , he had always competed in the skating events and had escorted one of his classmates to the Teens ' Square Dance , held well away from the elegant ball .
3 By way of illustration , he cited the case of his Preface to The Dark Side of the Moon , which , according to what he had been told by a Foreign Office official , would certainly be so taken ; but I felt that there would be infinitely more likelihood of the remarks of T. S. Eliot being heeded than those of E. W. F. Tomlin .
4 He probed me psychologically , whilst laying siege with the battering ram of his biro to the airy battlements of the beard .
5 W.H. Smith owed no small part of his fortune to the stalls he had placed on every station platform , many of which not only offered a full range of books and papers but operated lending libraries .
6 Here you remember that Common Law would not recognize the assignment ; Equity in effect would , by compelling the assignor to lend the use of his name to the assignee for the purpose of suing the debtor , or , in the last resort , allowing the assignee to sue directly against the debtor , but requiring him , as a rule , to make the assignor a defendant .
7 Is he aware that my constituents in the retail industry will take careful note of his response to the hon. Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) on the devastating effects that the minimum wage would have on that industry ?
8 Only by looking at what happened can one begin to form a judgement , though , as will be seen , there are conflicting views as to what caused the final catastrophe , while the principal actor in the events has even had doubts cast upon the authenticity of his claims to the leading role .
9 Education was necessary in cultivating this belief , for though it could not abolish the monotony of labour , ‘ it can add value , meaning and even pride to the vocation of the worker if it helps him to understand his relations with his fellows , the importance of his contribution to the national task ’ .
10 Goldman worked on the script from October 1971 to April 1972 , submitting three drafts , but all that remains of his contribution to the film is the last line , ‘ Hey , you bastards .
11 If a computer has been badly made and is an electrical hazard then , if the person who has been electrocuted had tampered with the machine , the damages awarded may be reduced in proportion to the extent of his contribution to the accident .
12 Bovis construction Group Chairman Sir Frank Lampl returned recently to his birthplace in the Czech Republic to receive an honourary doctorate from Brno Technical University , in recognition of his contribution to the international construction industry .
13 Nisbet , the 25-year-old full-back , refused to take all the credit on the strength of his contribution to the victory over the Belgians .
14 Paddy , made an honorary associate of the Royal Botanic Garden , Edinburgh in 1992 in recognition of his contribution to the world of botany , said : ‘ I brought back these rare species of the Dendrobium from a field trip to Papua in the 1960s .
15 In recognition of his contribution to the development of the Association over the years , and in particular the efforts he has made to keep graduates in touch through the Airthrey Journal , James MacGlone will be honoured in July by the award of the honourary degree of Master of Arts .
16 He listened intently , trying to collect his thoughts away from the past of his dreams to the present of reality .
17 Though he devoted six years of his life to the RPF , de Gaulle virtually ignored it in his memoirs .
18 The Labour leader , John Smith , in a tribute , said : ‘ Reg Underhill was a great servant of the Labour Party who devoted most of his life to the vital organisational work without which no political party can succeed .
19 Nano presented his proposals for the composition of his government to the People 's Assembly on May 9 , and this was approved , with amendments , in a vote of confidence on May 12 .
20 By 1747 , the year of his marriage to the cheerful and practical Salzburger , Maria Anna Pertl , he was working as fourth violinist in the court orchestra of the prince archbishop of Salzburg .
21 The earldom of Derby was conferred on Henry of Grosmont , son and heir of the Earl of Lancaster , and Hugh Audley , the old rival of the Despensers , received the earldom of Gloucester , to which he had a claim by virtue of his marriage to the second of the coheiresses of Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester who fell at Bannockburn .
22 He was tried and condemned to death , but spared because of Edward 's former affection for him and because of his marriage to the king 's niece .
23 In it Rolfe rescripted his pathetic , seedy , and unrecognized struggle as the dream-fulfilling election of his protagonist to the papacy .
24 Benstede , the only son of a worthy Sussex farmer , told of his vocation to the priesthood , his interest in medicine and his rapid promotion in the royal service .
25 Ben concedes that he owes a great deal of his success to the help he gets from his Mum and Dad .
26 The two men were born in the same region , the Transkei , but whereas Mr Mandela was a distinguished personage of royal blood , Mr Sisulu came from an impoverished peasant family and engaged in politics as a consequence of his exposure to the daily indignities of life for blacks through his work in a dairy , a bakery , in mines and factories .
27 Cole 's extreme anti-semitism had developed as a result of his exposure to the Protocols when he had been involved with allied help to the White Russians in the Civil War in the 1920s .
28 The duty will be owed where the landlord knows , or ought to have known , of a defect which would constitute a breach of his obligation to the tenant to repair the premises .
29 Edward 's formal assertion of his title to the French crown introduced a new element into the conflict .
30 Junius wrote that while the King ‘ plumes himself upon the security of his title to the crown , [ he ] should remember , that , as it was acquired by one revolution , it may be lost by another ’ ( 1779 : 111–12 ) .
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