Example sentences of "of the change [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clive 's estimate was that the Company and various private individuals made £3m. out of the change of rulers .
2 An application under regulation 7 above shall be supported by a deed poll , statutory declaration or other document of like effect by the registered foreign lawyer providing evidence satisfactory to the Law Society of the change of name .
3 ‘ He reckoned that in London you did n't need one , ’ I say , glad of the change of subject .
4 Ya'acov Friedler , interned with his sister on the Isle of Man , remembers the first signs of the change of heart towards enemy aliens :
5 When in 1913 Alison Neilans of the Ladies ' National Association announced that ‘ we and our former antagonists can work cordially together ’ , Wilson explained that the olive branch was a result of the change of heart among medics and their new expansive definition of health .
6 Mrs Ann Marie O'Donnell of St. Serf 's Parish spoke of Self Control and Holiness and four of her five children spoke of the change of heart in his or her own life .
7 The shock of the change of circumstances was sufficiently numbing to dampen any inclination to run riot , particularly after the painful build up of events which led to the final arrest .
8 One aspect of the change of character within German Hellenism — and , to an extent , one of the complex casual factors in the change — needs special consideration : the development of German classical scholarship .
9 The job losses in United Kingdom defence industries as a result of the change of emphasis in British procurement are as nothing compared with those that would be suffered under the Labour party 's defence policy — if so dignified a term can be used for something so confused , contradictory and misleading .
10 Mme Cresson 's first speech in the Assemblée Nationale as Prime Minister made it clear that the President had asked her to form a government for specific policy objectives , defined by him , and Mitterrand underlined this himself in his broadcast to the nation the night of the change of government .
11 According to Le Monde of May 22 , the report contained implicit suggestions that the same structures of repression still existed , in spite of the change of government .
12 However , this provision applies only where the gain accrues on the disposal of the asset within three years of the change of ownership .
13 But in terms of the change of policy , does this fit with the , the kind of Maoist view of excesses ?
14 The main importance of the change of practice in 1966 is that it allowed the Law Lords to accept an innovatory role and to avoid the practice of ‘ Dissimulation ’ .
15 We see therefore that Equation ( 2.1 ) can be rewritten in the form The ratio is a measure of the change of length of our small element dS .
16 Anderson came here on a visit after tidying up his affairs before leaving for Britain He is free from bitterness , and speaks bluntly of the change of motive which must happen to white settlers in a country passing under black majority rule .
17 This reduces the benefit of the change to investors .
18 Some districts are gaining monies as a result of the change to capitation funding and others are losing .
19 The second major effect of the introduction of private property occurred , according to Engels , as an indirect result of the change to patriliny , a state which he did not clearly distinguish from patriarchy .
20 The fish becomes aware of the change through receptor pores spaced out over its body and even in the darkest , most stygian waters , knows the shape and disposition of the objects around it .
21 We should be careful not to exaggerate the suddenness of the change within Whiggery after 1715 ; some of these developments — such as the decline of Whig populism , or the association of the Whigs with the Low Church bishops , did have earlier roots .
22 Please do n't let the pattern of the change from O-levels to GCSE be repeated , introducing yet another mismatch , this time between school and university .
23 A noble vessel leaving the port shews that extended commerce has been the result of the change from slavery to freedom .
24 For the fourth time of asking , what will be the impact on 15 Para of the change from battalion to company status , where will the battallion headquarters be , why is it being taken out of Scotland , and , at a time when the Secretary of State says that flexibility and mobility are the key attributes of Britain 's Army , why are we making major reductions in a force which is the most flexible and mobile in the British Army ?
25 It has been calculated that some 37% of families would be better off , and 37% worse off , as a result of the change from Community Charge to the Council tax .
26 Looking back , there 's no doubt that we were too impatient and were unprepared for the major impact of the change from institution to community care on all concerned .
27 The safety net is supposed to cushion the impact of the change from rates to poll tax next April .
28 Other provisions protect some community charge payers from the effects of the change from rates where this change would result in large increases in their payments .
29 Farmers were finding difficulties in marketing their produce because of the change in prices .
30 As the consequences of the change in union power sank in , the introduction of new processes in the industry became a reality .
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