Example sentences of "of the [n mass] in [noun] " in BNC.

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31 The partisan influence of the media in Britain is unclear .
32 Research into the impact of the media in Britain is not extensive .
33 A team will be formed to monitor daily media content , and monthly lectures on the role of the media in society will be held to raise social awareness of the media .
34 The freedom and diversity of the media in Nigeria taken as a whole has been guaranteed in a rather unexpected way .
35 ‘ We know our feeling of revulsion is shared by the overwhelming majority of the people in Ireland , as well as Britain , who bear no responsibility for such outrageous acts perpetrated by a very small faction , ’ they said .
36 Practically all the governments and most of the people in Europe and North America back the alliance against Saddam Hussein .
37 Half of the people in Europe spoke English with that accent .
38 At about the same time , i.e. the end of the nineteenth century , Charles Booth ( 1840–1916 ) was conducting one of the first major social surveys , which he published between 1891 and 1903 in seventeen volumes entitled Life and Labour of the People in London .
39 Of the people in London .
40 3 ‘ It must also prepare young people for the work they will be called upon to do in the society which exists in Tanzania — a rural society where improvement will depend largely upon the efforts of the people in Agriculture and village development . ’
41 The lives of the people in Africa and Latin America prove that that is not so .
42 The irresponsibility of the people in question !
43 Naturally these varied depending on the beliefs of the people in question .
44 Life-style is a manifestation of a number of behavioural factors , such as motivation , personality and culture , and depends on the economic status of the people in question .
45 Likewise in ( 36 ) saw evokes not mere visual perception but rather an inference which the speaker has drawn about the character of the people in question on the basis of what he has been able to observe of their behaviour or even of their appearance , and so could be said by someone who had only seen a photograph of them .
46 In 1981 , six of the 280 LLMAs accounted for over half of the people in Britain that had been born in the New Commonwealth or Pakistan ( NCWP ) .
47 ‘ Most of the people in Britain know the basic facts about your life . ’
48 It is the concern of the people in Hertfordshire following the woods only about three miles away , they now and many Hertfordshire residents , I 'm sure lots of people in this room use voluntary commission land where their , their on holiday .
49 For most of the people in India and East Africa who crack cashews , that is just one of the hazards of the job .
50 He realized that there was a whole way of life of the people in India which he would never get to know and which was totally indifferent to him and his concerns .
51 I have found the attitude of the people in Londonderry surprising .
52 If the lives of the people in West Belfast are to become truly richer , more fulfilling and longer , greater resources channelled through a comprehensive strategy are needed to address past deficiencies .
53 What percentage of the people in Scotland as a whole are ( i ) non-workers ( roughly over 60 and under 15 years old ) ; ( ii ) workers ( 16 60 years old ) ?
54 We hope that the Community Care plan will ensure that services develop in line with the wishes and the needs of the people in Lothian .
55 The remains of sheilings tell us something about the pattern of agriculture and the temporary removal of the people in summer to tend their cattle in the hills .
56 The remains of sheilings tell us something about the pattern of agriculture and the temporary removal of the people in summer to tend their cattle in the hills .
57 Which was pretty heartening , considering it was down to him to do one of my parole reports and that most of the people in Styal were there for drugs , or drug-related crimes , like kiting cheques [ passing stolen cheques ] to buy drugs or shoplifting to buy drugs .
58 Money was now plentiful in her home , thanks to Michael 's employing her brothers in his business , while the majority of the people in Lancaster Road wore still no better off than they had been before the war .
59 According to Grosskurth ( 1984 ) , some innovative schemes along these lines have already been set up by a few progressive British local authorities , but it seems that they are as yet rare , and reach only a minority of the people in need .
60 And we 're two of the people in York erm who work for Traidcraft .
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