Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Because of the scarcity of ministers , young conforming curates were appointed to many of the kirks but they were disliked , ignored and often abused by the congregations .
2 Erm the next erm feature is the yellow one for the Liberal Democrats , there 's one Liberal Democrat typographical error and that 's on the second page page four of the resolutions and you 'll see that in the second column there 's a total three , three , three five , that should be amended to , sorry three , three , three five that should be amended to three , one , five , five and then where it says nine the resource budget immediately below that nine , four , five , ninety four five O , it 's three hundred and sixty thousand , three hundred and sixty million , six hundred thousand , that stays the same .
3 He wandered about this neck of the woods and he was quite harmless , he was fond of children .
4 ‘ I do n't think we 'll always need paid carers — quite often simply a good coordination of what 's possible might solve some of the problems and we might not need to employ anyone . ’
5 These are some of the problems and it may be that early agreement and consequent implementation of the Second Directive are difficult to achieve .
6 I have mentioned Janis and some of the others and we could add to the list — Heather Couper , the astronomer , for example .
7 With these processes , our edge processes and the technique of conjugation , one can actually solve all four of our basic subproblems independently of the others and it is possible to do them in any order , although it is difficult to orient pieces that are not yet in their correct position .
8 So perhaps a lot of the times but I would have maybe suggested that , that we could have done and presented that as part of the package .
9 He wrote what must have been the one of the shortest letters of all time , and he wrote back to the editor of The Times and he said , dear sir , in answer to your question what is wrong with the world
10 Since we are quite different in our behavioural capacities , notably in our possessing language , this may reflect a lack of subtlety on the part of the anatomists but it is probably reasonable to assume that the input and output ends of the system are pretty much the same in monkeys as in people .
11 She turned round to sec if he was laughing at one of the postcards but he was laughing at her .
12 In addition G. lamarcki does not have a dense covering of granules in the oral region and ventral part of the arms and it has a maximum of five arm spines not four as in G. caputmedusae .
13 Sebastian de Ferranti , Basil 's brother and now a director of Ferranti 's competitor GEC , is a trustee of the interests but it is not clear whether he shares these views .
14 Yeah , well if that 's alright , only as being that 's the , what I call the end of month , like I 've got to pay all of the bills and they must get it until the next , the end of the month
15 I could have won a couple of the frames but he just played too well for me .
16 V.W. Yes , I mean that 's something that when I first started I would n't have said , but I 've seen over the last six years changes in the governors and the role of the governors and I sense very much so that now they want Catholic appointments .
17 So er she says well you can think about it for a fortnight er you see her daddy put out discos altogether because of the lies but she cos she gets nervous because when she 's telling a lie to you she 'll go red
18 Because it 's not the baddies we 're getting at we 're getting at a lot of the goodies and we 're hurting them .
19 I saw a group last year that had a re-release go top ten ; they appeared on Top Of The Pops and they looked so old and so wrong .
20 We asked you to tell us why your dad was Top of the Pops and you kept those letters pouring in .
21 We asked you to tell us why your dad was Top of the Pops and you kept those letters pouring in .
22 ‘ I have some experience of the Russians and you ca n't trust them , ’ he said .
23 This means he gets physical possession of the goods but you keep their legal title .
24 We have explored only some of the areas but it should be sufficient to establish the need for more comprehensive research into the use of community languages outside the domain of the family and the community .
25 Oh and the fourth thing that happened is the timbers , core samples were taken out of the timbers and they were sent for erm dendrochronology .
26 He said , come off the chair and all the along the bottoms of the tables and you can write your name in the dust !
27 Almost to a man they were against the new phenomenon of the movies and they made no effort to include them in their ‘ night-time ’ world .
28 His self-conscious gaucheness vanished as if it had evaporated in the thin cold air of the mountains and he found friends .
29 The Alexandra QC leaders said : ‘ We are very proud of the youngsters and we have had a very favourable feedback from the school on this , which is the first project of its kind . ’
30 Get rid of the pests and you 'll end the sooty mould problem too .
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