Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] [prep] women " in BNC.

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1 More satisfactory measures of total fertility can be based on estimates of the chances of women going on to have first , second , third etc. births ( ‘ parity progression ratios ’ ) .
2 McBride said in early 1980 that Debendox , a remedy for morning sickness , was , like Thalidomide , ‘ capable of causing deformities in a small percentage of the embryos of women who took it early in pregnancy ’ .
3 In order to appreciate this strong feminist stance that is being taken it is necessary to understand a few of the problems of women in the Developing World .
4 He gave a ten-year prison sentence for this as opposed to two years for one of the rapes of women .
5 Mary Daly 's indictment of male power and brutality similarly allows little space for a consideration of the patterns of women 's lives , or the strengths and capacities that these might have enabled them to develop .
6 This chapter is not a systematic analysis of the areas of women 's invisibility in sociology ; rather , it is an attempt to suggest some of the areas and ways in which it is manifested , some of the reasons why it occurs , and why , from the point of view of sociology ( and women ) it matters .
7 The practical interconnection between gender , ethnicity and class can be seen in some of the ethnographies of women 's lives that have been recently produced .
8 This was evident in press coverage of the activities of women protesters outside the American air base at Greenham Common .
9 Some writers have been sceptical of the advantages to women of these advances in contraceptive and abortion technology .
10 This rejection of the ‘ unemployed ’ label is probably associated with the blurring of the boundaries for women between employment and economic inactivity and between unemployment and economic activity which renders their classification in the labour market problematic ( Callender , 1985 ) .
11 The healing of the wounds between women and men is as important as the healing of the wounds between churches .
12 We might find it hard today to agree on a description of the differences between women and men — and perhaps they are less marked than we used to think .
13 They may look to parts of the tradition which are less inimical to them , for example stories that tell of the lives of women .
14 Men confused by some of the changes in women 's own expectations of marriage have found it hard to adjust to a wife who now expects her husband to be a thoughtful and technically competent lover , a housefather and a co-counsellor .
15 Table 10.1 summarizes some of the changes in women 's work , or at least its statistical visibility , over the twentieth century .
16 Godwin was a widower : his first wife had been Mary Wollstonecraft , author of that seminal feminist work , A Vindication of the Rights of Women .
17 It recognises the Office 's contribution to the struggle for the protection of the rights of women , children , ethnic minorities and minority points of view in the broadcast media .
18 This project completes the analysis and writing up of material collected in an ESRC financed social anthropological study of the effects of women 's entry into waged employment in the city of Calcutta , India which was carried out in 1981-82 .
19 1 Feature material on cooking with a variety of the products in women 's magazines and in regional media .
20 There is even less recognition of the needs of women who combine paid employment and care for their families , especially if their employment is part-time .
21 The result is local services that ignore many of the needs of women ( Lansley et al .
22 There is a need to look at more positive notions of the relationships between women and state policy which would make space for women and men to explore new options for living .
23 Both Josephine Butler , who was happily married and a strong feminist , and Florence Nightingale , who decided to reject middle class family life entirely and was scornful of feminism , were convinced of the possibilities of women 's spiritual leadership .
24 It was the time when her mother took to the couch because she could n't stand the sight and sound of the hordes of women and children with their buckets , and the arranged fights among the urchins so that one or two of their gang could get away with some lumps of coal , which would make all the difference between having a fried meal or freezing both inside and out .
25 For instance , in British women who married before the age of 20 , the proportion of marriages that ended in divorce has been approximately double that of the marriages of women who married between 20 and 24 ( Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , 1978 ) .
26 Afterwards , Lexandro — still thinking fitfully of the bodies of women and of Brother Yeremi 's ambivalent attitude towards him — said to his fellow Scout , ‘ Shall we see how part of a person thrives ? ’
27 Linda was not only Ms Duxbody 's editor , she was also one of the founders of Women 's Word and her short talk was consequently a mixture of congratulatory remarks about Revelations and a progress report on the company .
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