Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] in order " in BNC.

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1 Now President de Klerk and the ANC leadership are trying to tone down the outcome of the talks in order not to appear to have pre-empted a decision before the others have had a chance to have their say .
2 If a number of similar tools are required then the blacksmith must draw out , if only roughly , the form of the components in order that materials can be purchased and costed .
3 With such a low response , however , it was necessary to select some of the non-respondents in order to find out why they had not completed and returned the questionnaire , and whether their views and experiences of the Oxfordshire scheme differed significantly from those who had responded .
4 They should discuss the themes , settings , characters and literary styles of the texts in order to make a personal response to them .
5 In ‘ The Altar ’ and in ‘ Easter Wings ’ he even adjusted the length of the lines in order to give the verses the shape of an altar and of a pair of wings .
6 The task is to generate indicators of the concepts in order to see better just what empirical relationships the phenomena pointed to by the concept of class might be .
7 Widespread concern over the losses of moorland by cultivation and conversion to grassland , the drainage of wetlands , and the deterioration of artefacts including hedgerows , stone walls and buildings led the Countryside Commission to launch a major consultative exercise early in 1983 on the future of the uplands in order to assess the implications of these and other changes .
8 As the story of a white woman who rides into the Mexican mountains to be sacrificed , naked and unprotesting , to the god of the Indians in order to maintain for them ‘ The mastery that man must hold , and that passes from race to race ’ , this piece , particularly when contrasted with Sweeney Agonistes , makes clear the essential difference between Eliot 's interest in the savage and that of Lawrence .
9 Taphonomy considers post-mortem modifications of the bones in order to make inferences about the modifying agents during the transition of the bones from being parts of living animals to becoming fossils .
10 These normally take one or two days and you will usually get notice of the inspections in order to alert your team .
11 Similarly , the trustees can be empowered to convene meetings of the holders in order to acquaint them with the position and to obtain their instructions .
12 The transformation from hard to soft back in no way dilutes the presentation of the writings in order to attract a different type of reader , rather it makes available to a wider audience , a collection of historical character studies at a more attractive price , something that , in this day and age , we should all be grateful for .
13 Items covering a range of expected difficulty levels were included in most of the tests in order to check on their actual difficulty .
14 In line with this , the archbishop gave his willing support to direct royal taxation of the clergy in order to defray the costs of the conquest of Wales ; he was also aware that such a conquest would enable him to establish control over the wayward Welsh church and bring it into line with the rest of post-Lateran Christendom .
15 Since the study was intended to provide an objective description of the films in order to understand memory performance it was clearly desirable to have as small a component of memory in the description task as possible .
16 In the case of public transport Mackintosh ( 1987 ) shows very clearly for London Transport in the early 1980s that politicians from the GLC had to challenge the market-based arguments of the bureaucrats in order to increase subsidy to keep fares down and maintain services .
17 There was a great unwillingness to change any of the methods in order to accommodate our child 's own particular needs .
18 Now the purpose of therefore of this training course and any any training course is to do this is to be able to handle the arousal and increase your level of performance and even get the peak to move that way so for any level of arousal you 're getting better performance but you 're also able to handle a bit more butterflies a bit more of the nerves in order to perform effectively , and apart from a training course like this how do you achieve that ?
19 The court may take account of the circumstances surrounding the making of the contract , in order to understand its purpose , but will not take account of the subsequent conduct of the parties in order to interpret the wording of the contract itself .
20 Thus it is sufficient to know the general location of the participants in order to interpret : ( 25 ) This city is really beautiful and to know the set of potential addressees in the situation in order to interpret : ( 26 ) You can all come with me if you like and to know when the interaction is taking place in order to know which calendar year is being referred to in ( 27 ) We ca n't afford a holiday this year We could formulate the distinction thus : gestural usages require a moment by moment physical monitoring of the speech event for their interpretation , while symbolic usages make reference only to contextual coordinates available to participants antecedent to the utterance .
21 Unless you absolutely hate cooking , or are just too busy , it is preferable that you experiment with some of the recipes in order to keep the diet interesting .
22 Unless you absolutely hat cooking it is advisable to experiment with some of the recipes in order to keep the diet interesting .
23 Many were imprisoned and most suffered huge fines or the seizure of their lands ; the king 's friends often exploited the vulnerability of the Contrariants in order to plunder and pillage with virtual immunity to their own profit .
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