Example sentences of "of the [adj] country ['s] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of this attack is to weaken the economy of these [ oil-producing and Islamic ] countries and strengthen the foundations of the industrial countries ' economies .
2 The crowning absurdity of the rich countries ' current thinking on aid is not , however , their preference for lots of tied aid to not-terribly-poor countries , but their fondness for combining big cheques with barriers to trade .
3 Born in 1844 to a family noted for its piety and scholarship , Lazarus had decided to emigrate to Canada in 1869 , having heard reports of the young country 's potential : its federation was then but two years old .
4 On June 6-9 Albania hosted , for the first time , a meeting of the Balkan countries ' national commissions for UNESCO .
5 He convened a group within the cabinet to wrest control of Japan 's end of the two countries ' Structural Impediments Initiative ( SII ) talks from the civil servants .
6 This envisaged , among other things , the connection of the two countries ' electricity grids , giving priority to providing direct telecommunications links , joining railway lines at the border , and joint agricultural and water conservation projects .
7 The new National Front government 's foreign policy objectives , as outlined in the President 's address on Dec. 20 , 1989 , were for a strengthening of links with India 's neighbours and co-operation through the medium of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation ( SAARC ) , continued dialogue with China leading to a resolution of the two countries ' border dispute , development of the traditional friendship with the Soviet Union and of a new relationship with the United States , and economic co-operation with Japan and the European Communities ( EC ) .
8 In her 15-minute speech she spoke of the two countries ' shared ideals , including democracy , stability and a rejection of the power which " grows from the barrel of a gun " .
9 The Chairman of Vietnam 's Council of Ministers , Senior Gen. Vo Van Kiet , hailed the visit as an " important event " in the normalization of the two countries ' relations .
10 The way in which the crisis of 1839 – 41 was resolved persuaded him that Britain might welcome an exploration of the two countries ' thoughts on the future of the Near East .
11 He also believed , first , that France was unlikely to be able to secure an alliance with Britain ( because of the two countries ' disagreement about the Near East in 1840 ) ; second , that Britain might support Russia in the event of a Russian attack on the Ottoman Empire ( because of the Anglo-Russian discussions which had taken place in London in 1844 ) ; and third , that in any event he could count on the support of Austria ( because of the assistance he had rendered Vienna in putting down the Hungarians in 1849 ) .
12 Not only were the values of other currencies effectively pegged to the dollar ( formally speaking , to gold ) but dollars had to make up the greater part of the other countries ' official holdings of reserves .
13 If they are subject to the court 's jurisdiction , or if the court can compel a party to produce them … , violation of the other country 's judicial sovereignty is avoided by ordering that the deposition take place outside the country .
14 However , the civil servants at the Soviet Ministry , headed by the legendary figure who had charge of the entire country 's fine arts , the ‘ unsinkable ’ Genrikh Popov ( as the experts euphemistically dubbed him ) , along with the Director of the Tretyakov Gallery , Yuri Korolev , did everything they could to ensure that the project was never realized .
15 OUTSIDERS Zimbabwe are led by David Houghton , a veteran of the African country 's previous two World Cups , and coached by the enthusiastic Essex seamer Don Topley .
16 He then assumes that for each country the rate of growth of aggregate demand or nominal spending has followed a very simple process ; that is , where is the rate of growth of the ith country 's nominal spending , is the mean value of over the whole period , and is the deviation of from its mean .
17 US Marines took control of an airfield in Somalia yesterday in their first major sortie out of the war-torn country 's capital .
18 US Marines took control of an airfield in Somalia yesterday in their first major sortie out of the war-torn country 's capital .
19 With their teams of lawyers , accountants and company agents , and able to transfer money at the push of a computer button , the launderers dodge through the maze of the different countries ' jurisdictions creating a trail so complex that investigators , never mind the banks , find it almost impossible to spot what is going on .
20 Before putting themselves forward for selection , potential candidates and their families need to be aware of the foreign country 's environment — for instance its language(s) , climate and culture , its housing and education facilities , what security is like , and where they will be living and working .
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