Example sentences of "of this [be] [that] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 One consequence of this is that although the observations suggest that the cloud was centred on the Equator , the model simulates a cloud at about 10°N , because it does not allow for rapid transport of the cloud into the tropics and Southern Hemisphere .
2 An important implication of this is that while a particular situation may give rise to various differing , and sometimes conflicting needs ( the needs of teachers , parents , other pupils , the LEA and indeed the LEA 's professional advisers ) , the conceptual focus upon the child encouraged by the Act inhibits the development of a theoretical framework within which the interplay of needs can be examined .
3 The effect of this is that while financial intermediaries have been given greater freedom to broaden the range of financial services they may offer , this relaxation has been compensated for by regulating each individual sector more thoroughly .
4 The advantage of this is that since the signal position remains the same the signal too is unchanged .
5 One interpretation of this is that as the nationalized industries move closer to some form of privatization so their published financial information appears to become closer and closer to the commercial practice of publishing only that which is required , and no more .
6 The advantage of this is that when you start gigging , you have someone out front who knows your songs , and who can either mix your sound or at least keep an eye on the house engineer .
7 The result of this is that when line ‘ C ’ is fixed , the rate of turn brought about by the lateral position of the connecting ring is reduced when the ring is moved up , and increased when the ring is moved down .
8 A common result of this is that when the philosophers deny autonomy to women , they do so for the same sorts of reason that they deny it to children and cite lack of rationality , capriciousness and vulnerability among their characteristics .
9 The practical result of this is that when we study the individual child we see a succession of stages of development which from the point of view of the id are just as they should be and — because the id is the oldest , most fundamental and , from the point of view of the instinctual drives which originate it , the most important agency — are just what they should be .
10 The corollary of this is that if you absolutely love certain items like cake or chips , do not ban them from your life for ever , not even for a week .
11 Evidence of this is that if we attempt to justify them no obvious answer is forthcoming .
12 The essence of this is that if the goods are identified and agreed upon and ready to be handed over , the parties are taken to have intended the buyer to become the owner immediately , i.e. at the very instant that the contract is made .
13 So the , the consequence of this is that if you concentrate on individuals rather than on er groups , you take a completely different view of sex .
14 A side-effect of this is that if your mail starts showing your long address as opposed to the short address given for your name on the list , the dopey list software rejects it .
15 The outcome of this was that if finally recovery did actually start , no-one would believe them .
16 The thrust of this was that if the passenger liability suits went against Pan Am , the airline would seek to recover the cost of the compensation awards from the government on the grounds that the Flight 103 disaster had been due to the misconduct of government agencies .
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