Example sentences of "of people who [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I mean the Festival box-office staff and the unseen technical staff and — well , in short , the Festival would have collapsed long ago , had it not been for a wonderfully large number of people who join us year after year — just because they love the Festival and want to do their best for it , and work all hours for it .
2 And the third thing is that about twenty to thirty per cent of people who take it undergo a dramatic transformation in their personality , it seems , so it 's claimed in America and there 's a lot of evidence that might be true , erm and that is you know a huge difference from er just an ordinary antidepressant .
3 No we said a quarter of people who take it get side effects .
4 I am less concerned to focus on the psychopathology of individuals than to point to a collective , cultural condition ‘ and the tendencies of people who make it up ’ ( May , 1969 ) .
5 Courses vary a great deal in both their length and the number of people who attend them , and it would clearly be unjustified to assume that a single course on one topic was outweighed by , say , five courses on another if the single course involved fifty teachers in a full day 's attendance each week for a term , while each of the five other courses lasted only a couple of hours and catered for half a dozen teachers .
6 Maybe not , but he puts words in the mouths of people who wish they were .
7 It 's hard for any government to persist unless there are considerable numbers of people who regard it as legitimate , but legitimacy changes also , and if you make erm drastic mistakes you wo n't be re-elected like President Hoover .
8 This is not , of course , for reviewers ' sakes but because its audience has a high proportion of AB viewers , the kind of people who tell you they do n't watch much television and who , annoyingly , are mainly telling the truth .
9 It means God 's saving grace working through individuals and communities of people who know him as Saviour and Lord to influence a wider society .
10 you do n't er insure a building according to its size now but according to the number of people who use it .
11 Such stories , in the words of Raymond Chandler , one of their great exponents , " gave murder back to the kind of people who commit it for reasons , not just to provide a corpse . "
12 Eighty-seven per cent of people who read me have read every book I 've written . ’
13 For such a strategy must eventually require that resources at the disposal of people who own them will be applied in one way rather than another .
14 Some officers seem to be unaware that in terms of the number of people who do it , cycling 's second only to walking .
15 But when people like Norman Jay and Omar said they were into the track , it sort of backed up in my own mind that it was a safe tune — they 're not the sort of people who give you compliments just to make you smile . ’
16 Although although there 's a lot of people who feel they 're all living in the lap of luxury if you 're Post Office or B T pensioners , they are n't and we have n't been able to get this surplus er in any way used for the benefit of those people and er and that 's where the ownership of the fund really and the surplus are tied in together .
17 I 'm bound to say that I meet a lot of people who praise me for speaking up , but do n't speak up themselves .
18 Thus when I favour pay for ‘ childcare ’ I mean the day-to-day domestic care of people who need it ( obviously I would include adults too infirm to care for themselves ) .
19 ‘ The real problem to be tackled is inadequate powers for the police and the public being messed about by the court system , as well as an escalation of the number of people who think they can get away with crime , ’ said Mr Marwick .
20 Like all ideas it exists in the minds of people who think it , but it is further from the world of everyday immediate experience than other ideas such as power or friendship .
21 I know a lot of people who study it carefully take the view if it closed down tomorrow nobody would notice apart from the taxi drivers in Strasbourg .
22 Lots of people who meet him who he likes and he goes out with them .
23 NORMALLY I insist on using the names of people who contact me for help , but in this case I am making an exception .
24 The questions it asks ( directly or indirectly ) are based on the regular enquiries received by various personnel at ACE from the wide variety of people who contact us , as suggested above .
25 Claims lawyer Leslie Perrin is wading through more than a hundred cases of people who say they 've fallen victim to the virulent chryptosporidium bug and he believes that 's just a small percentage of the number who could eventually seek damages .
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