Example sentences of "of her [noun sg] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Steffi never misses a chance of coming to Britain , not only for tournaments , and she told me of her delight at discovering a street market on a recent visit .
32 At the same time , his hand slid the length of her spine with tingling and devastating slowness , to fasten on the curve of her hip , urging her body to an even more intimate pressure against his .
33 Against this backdrop , the small Russian girl stood out on her open-air stage and put all of her concentration into learning the role of a waitress .
34 At the New Realists show people became part of her sculpture by throwing darts .
35 Her picture on the cover of Elle magazine , when she was still a schoolgirl of fifteen from a strict bourgeois family , led her to Roger Vadim , who let her out of her birdcage by marrying her in 1952 despite parental reluctance .
36 She found it was not possible even to get up out of her seat without shoving people , elbowing her way , pushing past them .
37 And she made clear only last week the depth of her opposition to giving the European Parliament more power .
38 Agnes looked at Sadie out of the corner of her eye without turning round .
39 When he slid his fingers across the spring of gold curls , parting the intimate secret of her , finding the hard nub of her womanhood before slipping below to the hot , molten tightness at her centre , she tensed and then capitulated in a flood of aching heat , and she heard herself say his name , moan his name again and again .
40 at the dismissal date she is incapable because of her pregnancy of doing the work which she is employed to do ; or
41 One of them was that the nurse , robbed of her pleasure in subduing the hair , turned her savagery more directly on to Harriet and once in a temper broke both of her charge 's thumbs when she was forcing her into a new pair of white kid gloves for Sunday School .
42 Their mother inevitably expends a great deal of her energy in providing them with milk and the task of carrying them as well is too much for her .
43 She was treated with nebulised salbutamol , which relieved the symptoms , and was reassured and asked to attend the general medical unit of her hospital for follow up .
44 She gave a cool glance in return , cautiously pleased that so far she had betrayed nothing of her reaction at standing so close to him .
45 ‘ Keep still , ’ he murmured , and bent to drop a warm kiss on the tender nape of her neck before tying the ribbon .
46 A HIGH-FLYING executive hounded out of her job after complaining of sexual harassment by her boss has won the maximum award of Pounds 10,000 .
47 The importance of the question of her marriage in 1093 arose from the policy of her father in seeking a general settlement of his relations with the new Norman kingdom of England .
48 Lady Franklin , a ‘ lioness of a woman ’ with a lively sense of curiosity and a keen intelligence , devoted much of her time to promoting the visual arts in the infant colony , and took an avid interest in Mrs Gould 's work for her husband .
49 In order to help him , she will have to devote some of her time to defining something that he would really like to do , and doing it with him .
50 She has devoted much of her time to bringing up three children and is the only person to classify herselfas a housewife in her reply .
51 Her mother , Juanita Beckett , daughter of a brigadier-general and granddaughter of a field marshal , was an enthusiastic but not especially talented pianist , and devoted much of her time to practising a particularly thunderous rendition of Sibelius 's Valse Triste .
52 But she also devotes some of her time to showing schoolchildren just where their food comes from .
53 At the local community level , Ms Urizio has devoted much of her time to working with a grassroots action group in an underprivileged area of Rome .
54 As Harriet Taylor was devoting the majority of her time to working with Mill , John Taylor had in the meantime been diagnosed as having cancer .
55 A gentle , flower-garlanded goddess , Lakshmi spent a great deal of her time in contemplating the universe and bestowed gifts of calm and wisdom upon those mortals who sought to emulate her through transcendental meditation .
56 I was pleased to see his grin varnish when Mala gave him the vicious edge of her tongue for ignoring the Ardakkean request for discretion , causing the FedPol squad to visit Vadinamia .
57 For Rachel , who had never before experienced such intensity of feeling , it was as if he 'd transported her to another world — a world where every sensation was heightened , every touch the prelude to yet more delight as he explored and worshipped every inch of her body before taking her to the peak of fulfilment .
58 It had been a part of her intention in coming here to banish those shades : already it seemed they were darkening her mind as surely as they still lowered across her father 's .
59 That had certainly been part of her reason for slipping away .
60 Frankie peered around the angle of the wall , trying to measure the length of her chain before judging it safe to enter by the back door .
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