Example sentences of "of this [noun] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Altogether the timing and pattern of this increase suggests that it is connected with an increase , shift or change in habits of a continental population , rather than the British .
2 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
3 The facts of this case showed that there was no negligence but nevertheless such offences are absolute .
4 In Section 7.3 , we point out that an earlier finding of this text means that a very widespread traditional way of thinking about restriction is incorrect ; we also look at the interaction between the notion of restriction and associatives , sense- qualifiers and separatives .
5 As we have seen , the realization of this objective requires that a broad variety of mechanisms are institutionalized so as to ensure that the business of government is conducted in accordance with the rule of law .
6 The front cover of this brochure says that Guinness Brewing Worldwide is committed to being the world 's foremost brewer .
7 No wonder the people of this country know that the health service is not safe in their hands .
8 Now suppose that the government of this country believes that curve A represents a permanent trade-off between unemployment and inflation and chooses therefore to reduce unemployment to U* by increasing the rate of growth of the nominal money supply .
9 ‘ I have here a petition and I want you all to sign it to show those men in power that the women and children of this country think that slavery is wicked and wrong ! ’
10 The data so far accumulated suggests that half or more of the adult population of this country believe that they have had some sort of direct religious experience .
11 The last part of this defence means that just because driving was impossible because of injury to him or damage to the vehicle , the court will not automatically find him not guilty .
12 An analysis of this release shows that :
13 One investigation aimed at characterisation of this response showed that it differs in the various colonic segments , with the proximal ones displaying brisk and less sustained contractile activity than the distal ones .
14 But the inclusive nature of this category required that comparisons be limited to the most severe cases ; those lacking any semblance of human capability .
15 Detection of this antibody indicates that the individual has successfully neutralized an HBV infection or has been immunized against HBV .
16 The success of this development ensured that Berkeley won the race to construct the magnetic reversal time-scale .
17 The top-down nature of this structure dictates that there is a single " root " .
18 The results of this audit indicates that restorative proctocolectomy should be resisted as an option in these patients particularly as many have features of the irritable bowel syndrome which in all groups seems to be associated with poor functional results .
19 Marxists of this school argue that this forced the American government to fabricate a Cold War with the Soviet Union at the behest of the large corporations .
20 The existence of this school suggests that there could have been other halls in the town , but there is no definite evidence .
21 A survey conducted at the beginning of this year suggested that 96% of securities fraud cases are settled before coming to trial .
22 A non-zero value of this correlation implies that the two components are not independent of one another .
23 The specific terms of this ultimatum required that Iraq should ( i ) begin withdrawing from Kuwait by noon on Feb. 23 New York time ( 5 p.m .
24 The results of this categorisation show that the bulk of ‘ working class ’ labour partisans viewed politics in terms of the ‘ simple representation ’ principle ( i.e. Labour was ‘ out to help the working class ’ ; working people vote Labour ‘ because it 's their party ’ ) , although a quite substantial minority reckoned in terms of opposed class interests ( 39 per cent ) .
25 Proponents of this myth argue that countries with increasing per capita incomes , like Japan ( 21% increase from 1980 to 1986 ) , have low population growth rates ( 0.7% a year ) , whereas those with declining incomes , like Nigeria ( 28% decrease from 1980 to 1986 ) , have much higher population growth rates ( 3.0% ) .
26 However , a close examination of this work shows that it is not strictly ab initio , in that extrapolations are made from calculations performed on other molecules .
27 The title of this work suggests that it is an essay in the sociology of transport , a subject that has crept into some degree and other courses at University level .
28 The result of this decision necessitates that tribunals look not just at the nature of the offence but also at the severity or leniency of the punishment .
29 A booklet put out in 1900 by the Franco-American Food Company of Jersey City made the point that its canned tomato soup was a spiced rather than a sweet one , " and our increasing sales of this variety show that it suits the taste of the majority .
30 As one observer put it : ‘ The law of this land says that you are innocent until proven guilty .
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