Example sentences of "of they [prep] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The different viewpoints , although not of course equally informative , are equal in the sense that whether ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to take one of them into account depends on its relevance to choices , not on its nearness to ‘ here ’ , ‘ now , or ‘ I ’ .
2 That was one of the reasons he liked living out at Little Knoll , so he could have his own life , his own place that none of them at school knew about .
3 A lot of them of course went to the quarries , but then they had a little steamer called the Florence Cook and she plied wherever she went and you probably know where she went .
4 The categories and concepts he hammered out in his attack on Idealism — many of them of course drawn from Idealism itself , but refashioned by him — are by no means wholly adequate to serve the restatement of Christian theology , and could indeed lead to the emergence of philosophies quite alien to Christianity itself .
5 They were n't right for each other and maybe a marriage would last a shorter time than a more informal , less intense liaison ; brief and bitter , both of them on proximity fuses with things coming rapidly to a crunch , rather than something more drawn out , where they might spend long periods apart and so forget how much they hated being together , and enjoy the fleeting , passionate moments of reunion …
6 You probably will not be able to cope with all of them without feeling deprived .
7 There were the cowboy ones — two rough riders facing each other with their enormous dicks hanging out in front of them like door handles with a caption .
8 They dreamed together their first dream of life : of its glories and its fame , of the life that lay beyond the prison walls of this school and beyond this miserable town , which to despise was their delight , of the life that must open up soon before them , that was only waiting for the two of them in order to receive them and shower them with its infinite gifts !
9 A major producer of sales training films organises regional demonstrations of a selection of them in order to prove their quality to training managers .
10 If not really bad , certain conformational faults need not bar a mare from breeding but it is important to be aware of them in order to make sure the stallion you choose is strong in the areas where the mare is weak .
11 At that time , we , we received a petition from the tenants erm very much along the lines of the one that erm erm , er Mr has read out , at that time there was a petition from a hundred and eight county council tenants and one hundred and five of them in fact signed it and they , they asked for it to be allowed to keep the erm to have the freedom to decide whether or not hunting takes place .
12 Some of our , some of our er community centres are in fact run by volunteers , some of them are run , er most of them in fact have a very large substantial volunteer input .
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