Example sentences of "of they [verb] been [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It was sad to think that they had waited so long in England for this invasion of their homeland and after a few hours ashore so many of them had been killed or wounded , the dead now lying in a temporary grave in the corner of a Normandy orchard .
2 Now , in a classic delaying action , they forced the royalists to surrender after a mere seven of them had been killed .
3 So far neither of them had been defeated .
4 All but two of them had been abused and I remember one girl saying to me , ‘ By the time I was nine I knew what it was all about . ’
5 The various Lives had been written from a variety of standpoints , but he observed that the best of them had been inspired with hate — hate , not of Jesus , but of the ‘ Christ of dogma ’ .
6 Sheila burst in late , breathless from a hilarious encounter between a raw young policeman and a group of women night cleaners picketing a building from which two of them had been sacked .
7 Only two patients thought that they had not been told enough , even though one of them had been given the very detailed sheet .
8 Indeed , not only were his 29 League goals ( out of a total of 70 ) the major contribution towards Palace 's promotion to Division Two in 1920–21 , ( our first season in the Football League ) , but many of them had been scored with his head .
9 All of them had been trained by the School from the age of eight or nine , eight having made their debut at the Winter Gardens at Blackpool .
10 None of them had been trained in covert operations other than when dealing with criminals .
11 So many of them had been trained by her and trusted her friendship and judgements .
12 I could not tell if any of them had been involved but pleaded with them : ‘ If you know anything , please tell .
13 There were ten listed , and four of them had been checked off .
14 They were known as the Cedar Boys and it became clear that nearly all of them had been orphaned as the Third Reich took its terrible toll on European Jewry .
15 Chatterton , Fagg , Fishbane and Glastonbury were huddled together in the Smoking Room , from which each of them had been extracted for a brief conversation with Milton .
16 Three of them had been detained by UNIFIL , but the other three had seized the 14 hostages .
17 There were yellow sodium lights down here , but most of them had been broken by kids throwing stones .
18 Now er clay pipes , we used to dredge up and they got dredged up down opposite Pinmill , and they were a long pipe , but cos the , the stem a lot of them had been broken off and wh how they got down there nobody know , I think they used to be like in ballast with the ships , I think .
19 Both of them had been influenced by Dutch stock : the Hervé of central Liège originated from Dutch Friesians crossed to local red-pied cattle in the mid-nineteenth century , while the Polders of western Antwerp and northern Flanders was in effect the Dutch Black Pied in Belgium .
20 Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif ( whose relatives owned two of the four co-operatives implicated — see p. 38438 ) and Interior Minister Choudhry Shujat Hussain had admitted to receiving loans but said that all of them had been repaid .
21 Neither had practised archery before becoming immobile ; one of them had been taught the art at Pinderfields Hospital at Wakefield and had gone on to become captain of his club .
22 One of them had been blown up four times , minesweeping during the First World War , and in consequence had a chronic twitch .
23 Other innovations were also approached with circumspection by the BEA headquarters design engineers , even though significant experience of them had been gained both in this country and abroad .
24 I spoke to Sikh and Hindu children in Southall and none of them had been withdrawn from religious education lessons .
25 Her mother had stated then that it would probably not be necessary to move again , but she had always shied off from friendships — so many of them had been lost before .
26 Eleven of them had been treated previously with size 10 French plastic stents for a mean duration of 15 ( 2–36 ) months .
27 None of them had been treated before admission to hospital , and none had any other medical disorders .
28 By 1640 all the British colonies in the New World had assemblies of elected representatives to look after local problems of legislation and taxation and , while some of them had been created with royal authorization , some had plainly been set up in order to make independence possible .
29 Alexei was amazed that Jotan had seen fit to risk the lives of both his wife and daughter on an escapade such as this , and he wondered if either of them had been warned about what was to happen .
30 Although several of them had been made by Luke himself , some of the others featured the voice that had caused Folly so much unnecessary grief .
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