Example sentences of "of they [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Each of them getting more heated by the blow .
2 Three of the foremost had tried to ride to his aid , and one of them lay now propped against a tree with an arrow through the fleshy part of his right upper arm , clutching it tightly with his left to slow the bleeding .
3 The door bell rang ; and in any case the three of them had already heard the steps on the gravel .
4 ‘ About two-thirds of them had already broken into the European market , particularly France , but were seeking new outlets : the rest were starting from scratch . ’
5 Some of them had already run and spread in such a way as to lose their identity .
6 Most of them had already gone home — were slumped in shock on the floor .
7 No subjects reported having expected a memory test even though many of them had already taken part in Study 1 .
8 Although most existing powers and responsibilities over the delivery of health services and the production of utilities , such as electricity and gas , were effectively removed by post-war nationalization , within the welfare state the role of councils was substantially increased , building on responsibilities some of them had already claimed in the inter-war period .
9 Most of them had already breakfasted and he shared the dining-room with only a few others .
10 Thus , in most WFS countries in the Western Hemisphere and East & South-East Asia & Oceania regions , among the women who were aged 25–29 when interviewed , median age at first marriage or union was about 20.2 and 18.8 , respectively , and the median age at first birth ( i.e. the age at which half of them had already had a birth ) was around 21 years ( between 19 and 24 years in individual countries ) .
11 One of them had also set a maximum on the number of hours that would be offered , so that whilst its regular labour force was largely full-time , its temporary labour force worked no more than three-quarter time .
12 He and Fonda retired to their trailer , smoked some marijuana and then came out and told the crowd of local youths that they should imagine that the two of them had just arrived in town , and , on the way , they had picked up a local girl of fifteen , and raped and left her in the bushes .
13 Neither of them had even acknowledged Mitch .
14 Rachel stared at her sister in silence , shocked by what she had just heard , not so much by the fact that Paul Mason had been married but because he was as different from David Markham as it was possible for a man to be , and none of them had even suspected what had been happening .
15 One of them had even contrived to get sunburned .
16 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
17 They all gathered round to inspect the empty space where two of them had previously seen a box .
18 Some of them had previously experimented with fixed-term contracts but had found they imposed too much rigidity .
19 On the contrary , all kinds of groups and associations representing ideas of this kind had come into existence in the USSR : some of them had openly called for ‘ power-sharing ’ on the basis of a ‘ parliamentary regime ’ , for ‘ free trade unions ’ , ‘ autonomous publishing houses ’ and so forth .
20 Years later one of Cahiers ' most influential critics , Jean-Luc Godard , admitted that none of them had really believed in the theory , but had used it to draw attention to themselves .
21 Like the Americans , many of them had never crossed the Channel for pleasure before .
22 There were about two hundred and fifty cadets in residence and some of them had never seen cadets from another corps .
23 There 've not been trains in Barney for 30 years ; a lot of them had never seen one in their lives . ’
24 All of them had safely negotiated Becher 's for the second time .
25 The two of them had often met socially in the old days , with their respective partners , at evenings in the Green Dragon , the local pub in the village of Welton , ten miles from Hull , where Horsley lived in a magnificent stone house which , he always stressed , did not have a drive .
26 Below is an extract of conversation between two policemen who are telling a third about a cot death the two of them had recently attended .
27 ‘ Whatever scrapes he 'd get you into , ’ one of them had once said , ‘ you always knew he 'd get you out . ’
28 She could not link him in her mind with her mother at all , though the two of them had once shared a mother themselves .
29 The two of them had once shared a mistress in Lewisham , but only for a little while .
30 And , most importantly , none of them had ever sailed before , let alone on a big cat .
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