Example sentences of "of their [noun] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Even more culpably , not all LEAs , it seems , informed social services or health authorities of the outcome of their procedures for statements .
2 … Every time I have been in Annat since , I have remembered this further demonstration of Highland hospitality by people obviously poor in everything except the warmth of their welcome for strangers .
3 He knew all the others by name , by the names of their families for generations past .
4 ‘ In a fairy story one of them would ride up to the avenue here on a white horse and say they 'd been wanting you as part of their lives for years , ’ Benny said .
5 European powers claimed monopoly rights over the trade of their colonies for centuries to come , though other Europeans defied these claims whenever possible , but nobody launched such world-wide claims as the Spanish and the Portuguese , and the Spanish claims became even more all-embracing when Philip II of Spain secured the crown of Portugal for himself in 1580 .
6 In recent years most academic libraries have been forced to cut back on periodical provision , to prevent serials from running away with unreasonable proportions of their budgets for materials ( see pp. 135–8 ) .
7 Traders buying nutmegs and doves from Arabian merchants had been aware of their existence for centuries ; Marco Polo knew roughly where they were , for he saw junk traffic in the ports of Cathay loaded down with spices and manned by suntanned crews who had clearly come there from the south .
8 Many of these deaf men served the needs of their fellow-men for years — in George Healey 's case until his death in 1927 !
9 Apart from the outstanding quality and rarity of many of the items , much of their fascination for scholars has lain in being able to document them in the family 's ancient inventories .
10 Regulations required the direct-grant schools to set aside , without fees , 25 per cent of their places for pupils who had completed two years in an elementary school .
11 The railway companies were debarred from acquiring land for themselves in excess of their need for lines .
12 Yet rather than desert their tradition , people have begun to search within the myths and rituals of their religion for interpretations that redress this balance .
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