Example sentences of "of their [noun pl] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is above all in the general success of their rulers in improving the position of the monarchy that the history of Spain and the Habsburg lands differs , at least until the 1780s , from that of France .
2 The code of practice of the Association of Funeral Directors describes every step of their procedures for dealing with a dead body but constantly emphasizes the need to behave with respect , the need to act ‘ as if the next-of-kin were standing at their elbow , or act as they would if the deceased were a member of their own family ’ .
3 In winter they earn next to nothing , few of them having in their youth learnt to knit and spin ; and if in summer they are able to go to harvest work , they must pay some person a shilling a week out of their earnings for looking after their children .
4 Those who cynically exploit the current problems of the NHS and yet who purport to support its purpose ought to pause and reflect upon the effect of some of their activities in creating a mood of pessimism about its future .
5 In the management of their chemical business Brunner and Mond were ahead of their times in introducing such socially enlightened measures as sickness and injury insurance , apprentice education , shorter working hours , and holidays with pay .
6 Andrea Adams , author of Bullying At Work , told the Institute of Personnel Management : ‘ They spend a lot of time undermining people by rubbishing them in front of their workmates after setting impossible tasks .
7 There have been instances recently where vast commercial organisations and even governments have been compelled to rethink their policies and their methods because a sufficient number of individual supermarket shoppers have decided to demonstrate the strength of their feelings by boycotting a particular item .
8 Horses have a quick eye for slight muscular movements and changes in the posture of their companions and perhaps communicate many of their feelings by signalling in some such subliminal manner .
9 It has long been recognised that women who devote years of their lives to bringing up children lose out in the pension stakes .
10 Some of these people have never left this area of town , have never passed a day of their lives without seeing , if not entering , the Church of Santa Maria .
11 But both found themselves possessed of a consuming interest in astronomy , to which in due course they devoted the rest of their lives after disposing of other distractions — in Hubble 's case , his law , and national service in two world wars .
12 Many thousands of separate natural minerals which fit this definition have been described , and , especially in the nineteenth century , scientists spent decades of their lives in searching out new ones .
13 Perhaps as a result of their experiences during teaching practice and their probationary year , observation has come to connote judgement rather than support .
14 Most manufacturers classify the warmth of their bags by giving them season ratings .
15 They gave examples of how some of their attempts at building up self-esteem seemed to have worked .
16 To disseminate to teachers the work of other interested parties ( publishers — research organizations ) and the outcomes of their attempts at finding solutions to the problem of explicit and latent sexism in children 's literature
17 This was so serious a threat to their efficiency , especially in wartime , that officers and NCOs had to spend much of their energies in checking and forestalling possible efforts by their men to desert .
18 Some of the churches attempted to provide for the needs of their members by maintaining small libraries .
19 Traditionally , frequent Cabinet reshuffles provided the means through which LDP faction leaders rewarded the loyalty of their members by securing periods in office for them .
20 We have the benefit of a Conservative Government who will put the battle against inflation at the head of their priorities for dealing with the recession .
21 Teachers , therefore , need to took both at the frequency and the proportion of their interactions in considering how to make the best use of the strictly limited time available for interacting with each of their pupils .
22 Often students leave school sadly lacking relevant mathematical knowledge through having spent much of their efforts in grappling with " modern " topics unrelated to real life situations .
23 Few firms , if any , spend most of their resources on testing their product instead of producing it . ’
24 Ironically , many also gave the lower crime rate in their adopted homeland as one of their reasons for leaving Britain .
25 He and his wife also enjoy walking and the countryside of the area is one of their reasons for wanting to remain in the North .
26 However a special resolution required under the section may not be proposed unless it has been recommended by the directors , and there is circulated to members entitled to notice of the meeting a written statement by the directors of their reasons for making the recommendation , the amount to be paid to the company in respect of the proposed issue , and the directors ' justification of that amount .
27 He said that one of their reasons for lying was probably that they did not want to be publicly associated with the Carpenter Club .
28 Many small businesses do not have the production levels to warrant a full container of their products for exporting to a single destination .
29 It is a remarkable finding from these interviews that of those informants who married before 1918 almost half — and over half if we include those with soldier husbands — lived for an initial period , sometimes brief but often two or more years , with one of their parents before moving into a house of their own .
30 1 in 5 children can now expect to experience the divorce of their parents before reaching their 16th birthday
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