Example sentences of "of which [vb mod] not be " in BNC.

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1 The media could create an ombudsman system the recommendations of which might not be formally binding ‘ but would have pretty strong effect ’ , he said .
2 Can we expect to achieve sufficient political agreement to formulate the necessary dispute-resolving rules in an ideologically divided world , even if the avowed intention is to establish rules which are neutral as between such ideologies , the acceptance of which would not be taken as manifesting more than a commitment to getting some agreed rules ?
3 Blackburn chairman Rob Coar said that Warhurst had undergone a medical and x-rays , the results of which would not be known until next week .
4 The felt acts as a membrane which isolates movement in the boards from the asphalt , the natural elasticity of which may not be sufficient to absorb such movement .
5 The mask activates a variety of features , at least some of which will not be features of the target letter .
6 His conversion led to an upsurge of praise the pressure of which could not be denied .
7 The primate centre received requests for 300 macaques and 14 chimpanzees , many of which could not be supplied because of a policy that it should be primarily a supplier for TNO institutes .
8 Boase explained that for twenty years he had made a collection of notes relating to English persons deceased since 1850 , and that in compiling his work he had kept in mind the dictum of James Anthony Froude [ q.v. ] , ‘ we want the biographies of common people ’ , so that many hundreds of the thousands of entries included in his compilation related to persons who had not been eminent but had led interesting lives , accounts of which could not be found in any other book .
9 Unfortunately the lemonade was beginning to wreak its awful revenge in several ways , one of which could not be ignored .
10 She leaned closer to Alice , so that Alice could smell a warm perfume , reminiscent of a flower , the name of which could not be called to mind .
11 It could use its powers of compulsory acquisition to amalgamate land which was in separate ownerships and acquire land the owners of which could not be traced .
12 It is one of the great drawbacks of much ‘ popular ’ social writing in newspapers and magazines that statements are made , the validity of which can not be accepted without more evidence .
13 Therefore its ‘ laws ’ of regulation and equilibrium only emerge as the result of a myriad of private actions , the results of which can not be foreseen .
14 those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which can not be limited as required by this Protocol ; and consequently , in each such case , are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction .
15 The second type ( 2b ) consists of lexical sets , the membership of which can not be reliably predicted on phonological grounds alone , and this type is additional to the types of variable that were studied by Labov ( 1966 ) in New York City ( these were types 1 and 2a ) .
16 In this way change is seen as a developing social process the repercussions of which can not be completely forecast .
17 The poetic work too should be viewed as a ‘ functional structure ’ ( p.46 ) , the different elements of which can not be understood except in their connections with the whole .
18 Jennett argues that " most patients who now reach hospitals have progressive disease , the ultimate outcome of which can not be influenced " ( Jennett 1986 : 4 ) .
19 Neil Davidson , counsel for the Deans , said they denied allegations levelled at them by the shareholders , many of which can not be reported because of restrictions imposed by Lord Cullen .
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