Example sentences of "of a [noun] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 The value of the annuity component of a bond is given by where rs t and D t are defined in ( 5.29 ) and A T is defined in ( 5.31 ) .
2 We will legislate to require that all pre-strike ballots are postal and subject to independent scrutiny , and that at least seven days ' notice of a strike is given after a ballot .
3 ‘ If a public performance of a play is given which involves the use of threatening , abusive or insulting words or behaviour , any person who directs the performance is guilty of an offence if — ( a ) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred , or ( b ) having regard to all the circumstances ( and in particular , taking the performance as a whole ) racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby . ’
4 When the legal meaning of a term is given to , or arrogated by the courts , then of course the phrase error of law implies a deviation from that standard .
5 The proprietor of a design is given certain exclusive rights in relation to articles embodying the design ( for example , making or importing such articles for trade or business purposes or selling or hiring them ) .
6 Sometimes part or all of a commentary is given by people who are featured in the programme .
7 ( For example Manu the lawgiver recommended to Hindu society more than twelve centuries ago that ‘ the chief function of a woman is to give birth , nurse those who are born and attend daily duties ' or ‘ A girl must be married before she attains puberty and after she is married she must be kept busy looking after elders , cooking , cleaning , keeping accounts and saving money and of course doing Dharma ) .
8 When a title of a book was given there was discussion about it ; book lists had a paragraph about each book saying who thought what about it .
9 In order to establish their claim against those organisations or individuals who are responsible for the failure , the courts require that notice of a claim is given within a stipulated time of the accident .
10 A PASSER-BY paid £4 to take part in a police video identification parade of a robbery was given the police photographer 's expensive leather jacket to wear and asked to jog down some steps and round a corner .
11 The use of a mode register reduces the number of operation codes required , but it does not eliminate the problem of an instruction being given operands of one format when it expects another format .
12 The purpose of an SVQ is to give recognition to a person who has shown that he/she can attain the standards of competence associated with the qualification .
13 The odds of an outcome are given by dividing the number of times the outcome occurred by the number of times it did not occur .
14 Those with tumour regrowth requiring laser energy of around 5000 J or more and those with a stricture that would not immediately allow passage of an endoscope were given a follow up appointment at four to six weeks for repeat laser endoscopy .
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