Example sentences of "of [v-ing] on [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He looked across the table at Meryl , who was giving a good impression of hanging on to every word Lee said .
2 Pippin , our four-year-old daughter , and Paul , two-and-a-half , were becoming a little cranky and tired of hanging on to the cockpit coamings .
3 Tell you what , Jacqui and I were thinking of tootling on to the midnight matinee at the Parthenon after this lot .
4 I 'm very pleased that not a single motorist follows his advice , since if they did the old Hebridean tradition of driving on to the moors would spread to the mainland .
5 Mungo Stone had the sensation that instead of threading on to the horizon , at any moment the ever-narrowing rails might simply come to a dead end among the trees .
6 Involvement of the valve of the aorta ( the large main artery , emerging from the heart ) , can cause this valve to become inefficient , so that instead of closing fully after each pumping beat of the heart , it remains partly open , allowing a proportion of the blood to return to the heart instead of passing on round the body .
7 So why do n't we both get back to work now , instead of nattering on like a couple of housewives over the garden fence ? ’
8 If you are thinking of heading on towards the Capital there 's no such problems there , the M4 the M40 and the M25 running quite nicely this evening .
9 What 's sort of going on since the last time I interviewed you .
10 whether they were in favour of going on to a second cycle of review and reporting and if so whether reports should deal only with a particular aspect of the school ;
11 The chances of going on to an additional baby from a given family size ( ‘ parity progression ratios ’ ) can be calculated from past data for women who have completed their families .
12 Instead of going on to the pillar-box , Auntie hesitated a moment , then took shelter from the rain in the doorway of a gent 's outfitter 's , just by the bus-stop .
13 from here but turn down at West Parley , take the right hand turn instead of going on to the airport
14 The old ways of going on within a discipline may , from time to time , become inadequate ; but finding new ways forward is not totally without direction .
15 It is right that students be initiated into the conceptual apparatus , skills and ways of going on within the teacher 's own discipline ; and it is right that students therefore acquire the discipline required for the necessary understanding and competencies .
16 But instead of getting on with the revolution , which Lowe believed was Wilson 's historic duty , Harold had immediately ‘ sold out ’ to the capitalists by adopting right-wing policies approved by NATO and the International Monetary Fund .
17 For them , it is more a question of getting on with the job .
18 Instead of getting on with the business of making toilet water , he spent his time on the racecourse and worse .
19 of getting on with the five years plans they 've put too much effort into producing war machines !
20 The final way of getting on to the Council in a given year was by being an ypilachó0n or stand-in , and that may explain some instances of ‘ carpet-baggers ’ , i.e. political adventurers who offered themselves as Councillors for demes other than their home deme .
21 yeah it 's good that they had a fairer chance of getting on to the tables
22 She would speak of the necessity of holding on to a framework of belief , a reasonable percentage of belie
23 The snow hook is actually on the end of the tow line so that in the unlikely event of the karabiner unhooking — as it did once on me — — the hook stays close to you giving you an outside chance of holding on to the team .
24 It was never , as we have seen , the Labour government 's intention that the independence of India should be the prelude to a general nunc dimittis , and this disposes of the plausible notion that once India was gone the pointlessness of holding on to the rest of the dependent empire , supposedly acquired to protect the sea routes to Bombay , was immediately perceived .
25 If instead of holding on to the property X had given the property to Y no inheritance tax will be in point provided Y farmed the property ( or X survived the gift by seven years ) but in that case there would have been no capital gains tax uplift on the death of X.
26 A victim ( and in theory he could be male , although no man has yet , apparently , pursued a sexual harassment claim through the courts ) can leave and complain of unfair constructive dismissal but will often prefer to keep the option of staying on in the job and bringing a sex discrimination claim instead .
27 More often , they simply died ; the after-dinner heart attack while slumbering in one of the club 's deep leather chairs was a popular way of moving on to the great gentleman 's club in the sky .
28 ‘ The lad has a history of moving on in the game .
29 Because they arrive with an expectation of moving on within a few years they refrain — ; if only for reasons of emotional self-defence — from putting down ‘ roots ’ and involving themselves too closely in village affairs .
30 Last Autumn it gave up all pretence of continuing on in the business and sold off its Personal Mainframe hardware interests to clone newcomer Digital Systems Research ( UX No 407 ) .
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