Example sentences of "of [num] [noun pl] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Three of these studies , from Cologne , Leeds , and Sheffield , have provided comparative data on large numbers of patients and their combined experience of 149 subjects over the age of 65 years ( the German patients were 70 and over ) is large enough to allow comparison with 475 younger patients from the same centres .
2 They tested 5,600 drivers , and achieved a record score of 149 drivers over the limit 2.66 per cent of those who were stopped , humiliated and threatened .
3 With a length of 116 metres , a width of 18 metres and a depth of 6.9 metres over the sill , it enabled the larger steamers now frequenting the port to have repairs and maintenance carried out in modern facilities .
4 In regard to the 5th ( 349 yards ) , it quotes that twice in one day the Sonning Professional , Abe Mitchell , carried the bushes ‘ a clear carry of 305 yards over an obstacle at the end of the carry averaging 5ft. in height .
5 Typically , individual therapy involves 12–20 sessions of 45–60 minutes over a three-month period .
6 He had a fine time on the subcontinent , taking a total of 175 wickets over the two visits .
7 The 550 researchers in the present study published a total of 6490 papers over the total period covered .
8 The 550 researchers in the present study published a total of 6490 papers over the total period covered .
9 Decommissioning the station will cost £220 million and will result in the loss of 490 jobs over the next two years .
10 According to Vitruvius , a fall of six inches over every 100 feet was considered desirable and often long detours had to be made to avoid a too sudden descent .
11 Neatly arranged opposite is an array of samplers , sequencers , drum machines and keyboards — just to prove there 's more to the man than the jingle-jangle of six strings over a pickup .
12 Deborah Grey won the seat with a margin of 4,252 votes over the Conservative candidate .
13 Aboriginal subsistence whaling was allowed to continue subject to a catch limit of 141 bowheads over the three years 1992-94 ( with a maximum annual strike of 54 ) for Alaskan Eskimos , 169 gray whales per year for 1992-94 for Soviet Eskimos , and for Greenlanders 21 fin whales in 1992 and 315 minke whales over 1992-94 ( maximum 115 per year ) off west Greenland and a maximum of 12 minke whales per year for 1992-94 off east Greenland .
14 When Bill left us in October 1964 for Coventry , with whom we had been promoted just six months previously , it was for the then record fee of £35,000 for a goalkeeper and he repaid that fee to the Sky Blues in a distinguished career of 395 matches over the next decade .
15 The line itself is made of copper , which has an average life of ten years over the whole system , but much less on sharp curves .
16 A senior police officer is insisting that Oxford 's joyriding problem is under control , despite an outbreak of nine incidents over the weekend .
17 He was the fourth of twelve speakers over the three day conference , the others being Ministers , Commissioners , Economists and Academics , and had been introduced by the Chairman as ‘ The Man at the Sharp End ’ .
18 To avoid a reputation for being unreasonable , allow a strict margin of five minutes over the starting time and absolutely no more .
19 From Aisgill Summit , the railway , the road and the River Eden go hand in hand down Mallerstang , forced into close company by the impending slopes , and almost at once there appears on the right the magnificent spectacle of Hellgill Force where the infant Eden , thus far known as Hell Gill Beck , leaps in a waterfall of 60 feet over a limestone cliff and comes to maturity as the River Eden .
20 This , the first such mission by Britain 's new airborne units , was aimed to demolish one of two viaducts over the Tragino river in Southern Italy .
21 The ceremony must take place in front of two witnesses over the age of 18 .
22 The indirect costs of two children over the mother 's lifetime are calculated at £135 000 .
23 They originally said they 'd be covering the works of 20 composers over the period 1984–2000 but , so far , I only know of the LPs ‘ George And James ’ ( Gershwin and Brown ) and ‘ Stars And Hank Forever ’ ( Sousa and Hank Williams ) .
24 For the mid-air leap , Crawford had to drive up a narrow thirty-foot ramp and jump from a height of seven feet over a wall .
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