Example sentences of "of [det] [pron] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Argument ’ is not the best specification of that which is to be avoided but , as in the last example , consensus agreement is possible .
2 ‘ Much of that which is in use is obsolete and expensive to maintain . ’
3 Well hang on do n't get rid of that what 's on the screen .
4 Where you aw aw aw a a aware of that you were in a a b business that was succeeding when you were working for him ?
5 He brought his action on the basis that the rules of the club provided that the chairman and secretary ‘ were responsible in Law … for the conduct of the Club ’ and that by reason of this they were under a duty to maintain the premises in a reasonable state of safety and repair .
6 There is a further interpretation of this which is of great importance .
7 Once you actually receive a copy of this it 's in two parts .
8 Yet before deciding on the implications of this it is worth examining the texts of the other jurists .
9 Though nothing came of this it is of interest because it anticipates the ‘ Cold War ’ methods by which Persia sought to infiltrate Greece in the second half of the century .
10 Well first of all , first of all you 're in you 're
11 The inspiration is from me and her , but first of all it 's from her . ’
12 ‘ The culture of Europe has deteriorated visibly within the memory of many who are by no means the oldest among us ’ , wrote Eliot in his wartime essays that reflected upon the atrophy of interwar life .
13 Of those it is worth singling out D. 32.95 and D. , in which the jurist indicates ( in the first case implicitly , in the second explicitly ) that the use of the clause has turned out to have crucial consequences for the effectiveness of the testator 's will : for without it his will or some of its dispositions would have been of no force .
14 These three groups share common characteristics which mark them out from the rest of the population , even from many of those who are on low income .
15 He sensed vaguely that he was inferior , as do the majority of those who are on the threshold of the bourgeoisie but who do not know its inner secrets .
16 ‘ The most obvious way to begin is through the education of those who are to be citizens ’ .
17 Therefore , the majority of those who are to be made redundant will either have their own homes or will buy them shortly after .
18 Fourth , researchers argue that strategies aimed at protecting older workers , although increasing the job security of those who are in employment , may well intensify the problems of those who are unemployed .
19 Even though we may think that in Britain we have had more than our share of industrial decay and change , the catalogue of proud names that were in the vanguard of German or American industrial might at the turn of the last century is very different from the list of those who are in front today .
20 In general , this must be achieved by taking account of the special needs of women who work and of those who are in training .
21 The citizens advice bureaux evidence compared student incomes with the incomes of those who are in receipt of income support , which represents the minimum subsistence level below which no one in our society is meant to fall .
22 I want to ensure that the genuine claims of those who are in need are dealt with properly , promptly and accurately , I do not want campaigns to be organised on the basis that people sign a piece of paper that has been delivered to them by a welfare rights organisation .
23 What we 're talking about is the emergency services that sh that responds to the needs of those who are in difficulty or in distress .
24 What I am putting before the House are serious considerations about the balance between the rights of individuals , which may be damaged in the course of a case but where the record can subsequently be put straight , the rights of those who are before the courts , accused , to deploy their defence , and the rights of the public at large to scrutinise that process .
25 This obviously requires the attendance of the witnesses at the trial , and a subpoena may be issued to compel the attendance of those who are within the jurisdiction or in some other part of the United Kingdom .
26 ‘ He is not one of those who is at his desk at dawn and leaves late clutching another three files to work on at home , ’ one said .
27 Furthermore , if some Branches struck and called on others to back them , that support could be ensured by picketing the workplaces of those who were to be persuaded : Scargill was strong in his insistence that miners do not cross picket lines formed by other miners , but he was eventually defeated by both the unwillingness of an increasingly large body of miners ( especially those working in Nottinghamshire , see below ) to disregard this advice in the absence of a national ballot on strike action , and the government 's preparedness to counter the pickets by mass policing and other tactics which limited the freedom of movement of perceived would-be pickets ( Fine and Millar , 1985 ) .
28 As Lord Bridge of Harwich said : ‘ I was one of those who were in the majority at the conclusion of the first hearing of this appeal in holding that s 63 of the Finance Act 1976 , construed by conventional criteria , supported the assessments to income tax made by the Revenue on the appellants …
29 ‘ Crimes ’ varied from place to place and from time-period to time-period ; they reflected the interests , moral concerns and ideological positions of those who were in the power positions that defined and enforced them .
30 My Lords , I was one of those who were in the majority at the conclusion of the first hearing of this appeal in holding the opinion that section 63 of the Finance Act 1976 , construed by conventional criteria , supported the assessments to income tax made by the revenue on the appellants which had been upheld by Vinelott J. and the Court of Appeal .
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