Example sentences of "of [det] [noun] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think if you asked most players in England if they 'd like to swap places with me they 'd be jumping over the top of each other to do it .
2 There is a tendency for members of each stratum to develop their own ‘ subculture ’ , that is certain norms , attitudes and values which are distinctive to them as a social group .
3 However , although both advanced their ethical and political ideas on the basis of the basic urge of each man to seek his own survival and welfare , Hobbes derives his from a much less lofty view of man 's basic aims .
4 Springfield organised a quick roll-call to check if anyone was missing , deputing the leaders of each group to count his own comrades .
5 He stressed two major themes : self-determination ( the right of each nation to choose its own form of government and maintain national independence ) , and the need for a world organization of powers ( the League of Nations ) .
6 ‘ We support the struggles of each nation to live its own life , so long as in pursuit of its aims it uses methods which do not violate the conscience and the dignity of any of its citizens . ’
7 It is the responsibility of each employee to acquaint themselves with the full details of these and any local arrangements .
8 Cut a slice off the bottom of each pear to enable them to sit in a dish without falling over , and place in an ovenproof dish well spaced out .
9 If the distribution of births by social class between 1965 and 1976 and the propensity of each class to enter HE had remained constant then this would not have affected the demand for HE .
10 Enough came out of that conversation to keep me brooding half the night .
11 ‘ They knew about us , the type of vehicle we were drivin' , and they instructed the keeper of that crossin' to tell us the road over the pass was open , that it was okay . ’
12 That may sound strange but , if you lose a loved one , you have the memory of that person to focus your grief on .
13 I was reminded of those days in the school chapel and of that battle to hold my integrity against a most well-meaning person , by my experience with the chaplain at the hospital eighteen months ago .
14 If we know a water has a particular site of , of origin then we can often use minor trace constituents as a marker of that water to follow its fate and its path through the ocean , okay ?
15 So we need at least five of that size to meet our workload requirements .
16 Newbigin cites the evidence of not one but a variety of Christologies in the New Testament reflecting ‘ the attempts of that community to say who Jesus is in terms of the different cultures within which they bore witness to him . ’
17 Since the CTP is so flawed as an explanation of the mind and since its apparent attractions are apparent rather than real , how does the claim of that science to advance our understanding of the mind command such a following ?
18 She was not impressed when her spouse informed her there was a member of the gentry below , for the only visitors of that sort to frequent her humble hostelry were those who had fallen on evil times .
19 ‘ Not a word out of that dog to let me know you were coming , ’ her mother said crossly .
20 It can not have helped him , but the restored democracy had treated the leaders of that attempt to destroy it with , if anything , excessive leniency .
21 My Lords , this appeal concerns the ambit of that right to silence which is known as the privilege against self-incrimination and entitles any person to refuse to answer questions or to disclose documents if to do so would tend to expose him to proceedings for a criminal offence .
22 The close association between the visual and the cultural may explain the reluctance of some teachers to give it much attention .
23 " If you had an ounce of sense in your brain , you 'd think of some plan to get us out of our difficulty ! "
24 A further problem was the tendency of some parents to take their children on holiday during term time .
25 We must think of some way to save him .
26 Carrie tried to think of some way to break it .
27 ‘ You 'll think of some way to find him . ’
28 If , as is all too common , Scots lawyers have to apply in their own system a document imperfectly adapted to their own familiar terms , such as is the RICS scale in this particular , it may be of some advantage to know what ‘ rent reserved ’ means , at least in the country in which it originated .
29 In this connection , central government and LEAs were urged to be sensitive to the wishes of some groups to have their daughters educated in single-sex schools .
30 Several thousand species of fish have developed bony connections of some kind to link their swim bladders to the inner ear capsules , so that the vibrations picked up and amplified by the sympathetic resonance of the swim bladder are transmitted to the semicircular canals .
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