Example sentences of "of [det] [that] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are two aspects of this that have to be considered : the relation between territory size , hunting areas and group sizes in predators ; and how these are related to the diversity of prey taken by different predators .
2 It 's hardly ever reported in the Third World and er taking the facts that we 've just been talking about into account , it would be tempting to see anorexia as related to conflicts about the beginning of a young woman 's reproductive life because what normally happens is , and has certainly happened in the only case of this that occurred in my family , the young woman in question lost so much weight that she stopped cycling and in fact erm puberty changes went into reverse , she actually regressed , she started puberty and er she had this anorexia problem and she stopped cycling and , and all her body changes reversed , she went back to pre-puberty again erm because of oh no , oh no it did n't , she lost her body hair and stuff yeah , er her , her , her hormonal changes .
3 There was criticism of much that passed for training .
4 I am impatient and intolerant of much that seems to me to be merely negative , if not actually destructive , legislation . ’
5 She felt she 'd lived a zillion eternities , crossed endless lifeless galaxies , bearing her solitude , waiting for US , waiting for the fulfilment of all that lay between them .
6 He talked of all that remained to be done , of how he would do it all , bit by bit ; said that first of all the attic should be examined , for so much rain soaking in must have affected the beams .
7 Or ill , depending on your view of all that happened in consequence .
8 It was as though he could not be convinced ; as though he could hardly accept the fact that his father was no longer there , the final arbiter of all that happened in the business and in their domestic lives .
9 Labour 's 1983 election manifesto pledged the party to ‘ take action to abolish the undemocratic House of Lords as quickly as possible and , as an interim measure , introduce a bill in the first session of Parliament to remove its legislative powers — with the exception of those that relate to the life of a parliament ’ .
10 They were either bought in by Don Bennett himself , and there were very few of those that got through my fine mesh , or those who were somehow or other forced on us by agencies over which we had no control .
11 Yet in the outcome the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , with over 300 amendments to the original Bill having been debated for more than sixty hours in the Commons Standing Committee , suffered the fate of those that went before and came after .
12 Erm ironically I was one of those that went from Essex to Manchester and I did live up there for a couple of years but er decided to come back .
13 It is not my intention to argue that the strategies identified here are necessarily exhaustive of those that pertain in other units .
14 2.7 The difficulty is compounded by the fact that the idea of association can correspond to a wide range of referential or " factual " relationships ( just as can the ascriptive use of an adjective or the qualifying use of a subordinate noun ) ; and , importantly , this is true not only of those relations that can ultimately be reduced to arrangements of objects in the physical world , but also of those that depend on human judgements and evaluations , e.g. relations of loving or resemblance ; all these we shall consider as factual relations by contrast with syntactic relations .
15 The number of pregnancies that do not produce a viable infant but end in miscarriage , induced abortion or stillbirth or , of those that result in a live born baby with serious health impairment , can not be reliably assessed but it may be put at a much larger figure .
16 Bobbin-making was originally a coppice industry — one of those that depended on a small plantation of selected trees for commercial use — in this case birch .
17 Despite bumpy market conditions , most of those that joined in September and October have notched up solid gains .
18 The nature of these changes is less well understood than of those that occur in bacteria adapting to new chemical environments .
19 ‘ The precept of dying should be part of the studies of those that live in health ; all that a sick or dying man can do is but to exercise those virtues which he before acquired . ’
20 Many of those that live in the sea secrete shells with the most elaborate structure of silica or lime .
21 The great 16th century Venetian architect San Savino said that ‘ a city should be built to the convenience and satisfaction of those that live in it , and to the great surprise of strangers ’ .
22 There was no one to see in him either dismay or glee , or the furious fusion of both that raged in him .
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