Example sentences of "of [det] [noun pl] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 The close association between the visual and the cultural may explain the reluctance of some teachers to give it much attention .
2 Boys , can you think of some words to describe it ?
3 The relatively small proportion ( 5% ) of such theses made it difficult to come to any statistically valid conclusions about the differences in use between Ph D and M Sc theses .
4 If a man of such convictions felt it necessary to follow this course , how much more would have his religiously devoted colleagues .
5 Extensive remains of the foundations of such temples make it relatively easy to establish their plan , but reconstruction of the superstructure is more speculative as almost all the walls and trabeation have disappeared .
6 The differing quality aspects of these zones make it impossible to specify a particular style of wine for Hautvillers .
7 The fact that there was no sense of any history of lesbian and gay struggle in any of these articles made it seem incomprehensible why any council would have adopted any policy or set up any unit to serve the needs of lesbians and gays .
8 They still believed that they had put a 2Mb memory upgrade into one of these machines to give it a 4Mb of RAM .
9 Alan Holmer , head of the United States delegation , said that the adoption of these principles made it " more likely that current trends towards market economies and political pluralism will continue " , and was a signal to the West that Eastern Europe was now " open for business " .
10 All of these things make it difficult to sustain a viable alternative scheme .
11 Given that part of the rationale behind the ACDP is the devolution of responsibility to colleges , one could make the case that the specialist nature of these courses makes it very desirable that colleges should undertake the main part of the development work , in partnership with the Council and the commercial organisations served by the course .
12 Concern 's been expressed by some parents about the violent nature of the film which is PG rated , allowing children of all ages to see it .
13 Concern 's been expressed by some parents about the violent nature of the film which is PG rated , allowing children of all ages to see it .
14 And I hasten to say it , governments of all persuasions assume it must be being done .
15 Moreover , the complex nature of many frauds makes it difficult for the police to prepare a sound case .
16 The Charters agreed by the Allied Powers which set up the International Military Tribunals at Nuremberg and Tokyo and the judgments of those Tribunals made it clear that everyone , from the lowest private soldier to the highest general and statesman is required to comply with the humanitarian spirit and the generally accepted principles of the laws of war .
17 To all whom this epistle shall come , Greetings — Whereas we have been credibly informed by our well-beloved subject the right honourable Lord Clovelly , of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk , and on behalf of our well-beloved subject Christopher Everard , Gentleman , that the said Christopher Everard hath lately discovered several Islands in the Hesperidean seas towards the continent of America , the one called Saint Thomas 's , alias Everhope ( though this be error ) , or in the native tongue Liamuiga , and another , as the savages of those parts name it , Oualie ; that we are further informed that these said Islands are possessed and inhabited only by the aforementioned savages and heathen people , and are not , nor at the time of the discovery were , in the possession or under the government of any Christian Prince , state or potentate , and thereupon the said Christopher Everard , being set forth and supplied on our shores for that purpose , made entry into the said Islands for and on behalf of our dear Father in heaven , and hath since with the consent and good liking of the natives made some beginning of a plantation and colony and likewise of an hopeful trade there , and hath caused divers of our subjects of this realm to remove themselves to the said Islands with purpose to proceed in so hopeful a work : KNOW THEREFORE that the said Lord Clovelly and Christopher Everard may be encouraged and the better enabled with the more ample maintenance and authority to effect the same , We do command the said Christopher Everard to be possessed of the said Islands and all our other loving subjects under him : And of our especial great and certain knowledge have given and granted unto the said Christopher Everard during our pleasure custody of the aforesaid Islands and of every creature , man , woman and child upon them together with full power and authority for us and in our name and as our Lieutenant to govern rule and order all .
18 Besides — and in the way the French Army of those days functioned it is hard to believe such considerations did not pass through Joffre 's mind — if things went badly wrong henceforth at Verdun , the Generalissimo 's responsibility would now be shared by another .
19 The cumulative mass fraction can be calculated by adding half the mass fraction W i of the i th fraction to the total mass fraction of those fractions preceding it , i.e.
20 Their needs alone would have been enough reason — were enough — for a number of us over the next three to four years to stay in a male organization , with largely male resources for mainly male callers and to join with some of those men to change it .
21 Although the qualification was very much sought after in the beginning with the burgeoning of more centres running it up and down the country , the trainees soon realised that in spite of the skills they gained , the diploma was not recognised by the DES even as a first stage towards further accreditation .
22 I would be distressed to hear of any ladies reading it , let alone a girl of your tender years and experience .
23 If not/ can you think of any ways to improve it ?
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