Example sentences of "of [n mass] in [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although the companies surveyed paid out a total of £64.021m in audit fees to 1,674 different auditing firms , £36.893m of it ( 57.63% ) went to the top 12 , which audit 28.66% of them .
2 The senators , Republican John McCain and Democrats Alan Cranston , John Glenn , Dennis De Concini and Donald Riegle , had accepted a total of $1,300,000 in campaign contributions from Keating and his associates in the mid-1980s .
3 The senators , Republican John McCain and Democrats Alan Cranston , John Glenn , Dennis De Concini and Donald Riegle , had accepted a total of $1,300,000 in campaign contributions from Keating and his associates in the mid-1980s and had later intervened on his behalf when he was investigated for criminal fraud .
4 USL 's November investment of $1m in Chorus Systemes , an investment that was subsequently increased , gave it a 7% position .
5 In a tactical retreat which largely quelled back-bench dissent , the President of the Board of Trade announced a two-year breathing space for the collieries at a cost of £500million in government subsidies .
6 Consideration of people in system terms provides the possibility of generalisations which apply across great varieties of physical and intellectual activities .
7 It was preceded by the involvement of hundreds of people in discussion groups devoted to different sections — home news , features , music , the arts , international and foreign news and sport .
8 I ca n't understand a word they 're saying on the television and the streets of London seem to be full of people in tennis clothes .
9 Unbelievably , I discovered tonight that the majority of people in disability categories 9 and 10 fail to claim attendance or mobility allowance .
10 Basically , you 've got two types of people in record companies .
11 This is because , as population increases , so do the numbers of people in age groups at high risk of developing disorders .
12 The number of people in ujamaa villages by the late 1970s was officially estimated to be 10 million , although many of these were already living in their existing communities which were simply renamed ujamaa .
13 The choice of species in tree plantings is also important .
14 In the latest year , InterCity just scraped a surplus of £2m on turnover of £900m and Network SouthEast slipped back to a £180m deficit , reflecting a drop of 8% in commuter journeys into central London .
15 Runner up Karl of Rochdale won a compact camera and the third prize of £50 in fuel vouchers went to R Hales of Rock Ferry .
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