Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] see " in BNC.

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1 Timothy nodded to himself , thinking about the sailing ships of the Spanish Armada and the severe face of the German Führer , of which he 'd seen pictures .
2 I happen to be embarking on a motoring trip during the course of which I hope to see many splendid views .
3 From this point you get one of the best views in the Dales : to your right , Dentdale , Whernside , the foot of Deepdale and Dent town itself ; to your left , northern Dentdale , Frostrow and the Howgills ; while below you are spread the patched and parcelled fields of the dale which , on this June day , were coloured a green the like of which I had seen before only in Ireland .
4 We were shown round the mills at Newcastle-under-Lyme and Preston , both of which I had seen before .
5 There are mallards , teals , of which I have seen a few recently in the Camel estuary , always an abundance of moorhens and coots , and here and there the odd tern .
6 She felt the presences of whatever she 'd seen , like a cold breath on her spine .
7 ( Mindful of what we had seen from the office , we volunteered as witnesses to the Board of Enquiry . )
8 But before we go we must understand the full import of what we have seen .
9 Keynes imagined a socially painless ‘ euthanasia of the rentier ’ which would be ‘ nothing sudden , merely a gradual but prolonged continuance of what we have seen recently in Great Britain , and will need no revolution ’ ( Keynes , 1936 , p. 376 ) .
10 As the prophet Jesus could say with authority , ‘ Amen , amen I say unto you , ’ and claim to speak final truth about God , ‘ We speak of what we know , and bear witness of what we have seen ’ ( John 3:11 ) .
11 Survivors thought their vehicles had been stopped for a security check ; the shock of what they 'd seen sent this young Palestinian into deep trauma .
12 Over the past few weeks , Apple has been courting the press with sneak previews of Lisa on the condition that the participants undertook not to breath a word of what they had seen until the machine was officially announced on 20 January ( simultaneously around the world ) .
13 Quickly , in as few words as possible , Jack told him what had happened with the Glory , how he had seen the gigantic Worm break through the earth , and how both Tina and his mother had denied all knowledge of what they had seen .
14 The mystery remains and perhaps will never be solved , but one thing is for sure , those two signalmen were absolutely certain of what they had seen and were unshakeable in their beliefs .
15 They had hardly digested the import of what they had seen when still more flames appeared at a third window .
16 If someone goes away with good memories of what they have seen and heard then they will come back and bring their family and friends . ’
17 Freddie Reynalde urged Stella to blot out the memory of what she had seen .
18 The simple act of starting out on the route from Tunbridge Wells to Bourne End was nevertheless sufficient to call to her mind every detail of what she had seen and heard that afternoon .
19 He sighed heavily , and Belinda was about to ask what was wrong — after all , they were still friends , in spite of what she had seen in the garden tonight , and her revelation of feeling should n't dictate this new reticence — when he spoke at last .
20 And yet , Theodora reflected , the hatchment did not quite fit her memory of what she had seen .
21 In all her time with him she had never told him the details of what she had seen , that day one summer .
22 And one who did not want to be punished , either , was their other comment , as witness the way he was prepared to kill Rose Hilaire once he saw that her tie-up with Joe and John Coffin would enable her memories of what she had seen of Ephraim 's body to go straight to dangerous quarters .
23 Erm having er decided that , let me ask you if you of what you 've seen so far , and I have n't gone into er whichever product er do you thing this is do you think you could erm get into the habit of selling advertising and earning fairly substantial commission .
24 The most important aspect of scanning is that you must have a clear picture of what you expect to see on each instrument .
25 Once you have formulated your idea of what you want to see in the future , then you need to focus on how you can get there .
26 ‘ If you mean drugs , then no , Adam , you 're way off line and you have been all the time — as you 'd realise for yourself if you 'd just open your eyes and see the truth instead of what you want to see . ’
27 er right erm tt yep that seems to be okay I did n't erm no I was reading this on , this morning just after the clinical lecture and I did n't see anything that , that I thought would be problematic erm you know given , you know , sort of what I 've seen in your coursework so far you seem to have got a fairly good idea of what you can ask and what you can get away with and what sorts of things you think are useful and , and , and stuff like that so erm you know I 'm entirely happy with your judgment as to the content erm you know because it 's part of an ongoing pr project and it 's not just something that you 've , you 've knocked off in half an hour or anything so erm
28 As we poked away at the goulash soup with its lumps of pork and potato and which had been interestingly seasoned with caraway , Ladislav wanted to know my impressions of what I had seen and , in particular , my own attitudes to Marxism .
29 I speak not only of what I have seen , but of what I have read in your labour statistics .
30 What amazes me is that , in spite of the horrific nature of what I have seen , I feel neither repulsion nor revulsion .
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