Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Though eugenicists found some ammunition in the Report , of which they sought to take advantage , the medical profession were equally responsive but more influential .
2 French legionaries have been drowned while encamped in wadis draining from the southern Atlas of Algeria , due to the rapid advance of floods from storms in the high mountains of which they had heard or seen nothing .
3 Anyone wishing to buy furniture out of income rather than capital could have it at the cash payment price plus 5 per cent commission , a quarter of which they had to deposit before the goods were delivered .
4 Peasants came to her to be reminded of a particular tale the details of which they had mislaid in the mists of childhood ; more sophisticated members of the community , less concerned with the tale than the teller , made the journey to Elling in an effort to keep alive a tradition that had died elsewhere .
5 They used Hilbert 's wine glasses because none of them could tolerate drinking from plastic or cartons but they ate off paper plates of which they had bought a hundred .
6 She forced the Girls through their paces for a complete day , at the end of which they fell exhausted in a line on a bench .
7 In particular no heat came from 8 mm rods , one of which they started charging at Christmas and which was still being charged in March .
8 Every Religious Congregation has its own charism , out of which they have written their own Mission Statement .
9 Secondly , step ( 4 ) above should be implemented before step ( 5 ) so that at the time management subscribes the substantial part of their shares in Newco , in respect of which they have taken out loans to defray the cost of acquisition , Newco will already control Target by virtue of its contractual entitlement to acquire it ; if , in practice , steps ( 3 ) to ( 5 ) occur on the same day , board minutes and other records should show that events took place in the correct order .
10 It is an opportunity of which they have availed themselves to varying degrees .
11 Plaintiffs must prove that the words of which they complain have a defamatory meaning , that the words refer to them , and that the defendant was responsible for publishing them .
12 But in our society the self-denial of which we speak has a moral dimension which is not strongly recognised in all civilisations .
13 of course our members er of which we 've got a hundred and twenty three thousand , flood the lines into Luton wanted to know what happens they imagined a surplus as being some pot of er big tub of notes that they can dip it and we can dip into , but of course the surpluses have been used basically by British Telecom in particular for funding early retirement schemes er we 're in no way in knowledge whether the money 's every been paid back .
14 Or rather , he holds that all the great goods of which we know involve consciousness ; there may conceivably be others of which we are ignorant .
15 It was the Labour party 's supply-side policies , including its industrial relations policies — all of which we had to reverse — which did such damage in the 1970s .
16 It was an uneasy night , pondering the risks of leaving illegally , with a barely seaworthy vessel , from an island of which we had read so fondly in Wallace and had come so far to see .
17 He also spouted on about how Batty had nt played in the last 6 matches , of which we had won 5 and drawn 1 .
18 Now the open systems world is a very new world to us , we have three earlier proprietary products , the first of which we started selling in nineteen eighty .
19 For the British at large , Czechoslovakia , compared with some of the others , was a not too far-off country of which we did know something : that distinctive spelling , those operas .
20 We could calculate the heritability for a character of which we did know the exact genetics ( such as Mendel 's peas ) , but there would be little point in doing so , because the actual genotypes controlling the trait are more informative than the heritability .
21 But this is one of one of which we did agree was was a suitable factor to be considered in the er in the analysis .
22 Explains Deborah Wintle , an advice worker and counsellor for Liverpool One Parent Families Trust : ‘ There are a number of unmarried mums on Merseyside , many of which we see coming into the Trust .
23 We will pay to you such sum as may be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances of the case in respect of work performed by you under this order prior to cancellation , and in respect of which we have received the benefit .
24 To ground the many provisions of , let us say , the UN Declaration of 1948 in the mere possibility of their being defended by moral argument is to consign them to a very combative arena indeed , the vagaries of which we have explored in this chapter and are precisely those exploited by Hare in his gloomy quotation .
25 It 's pretty lucky that Mr Punch 's exclusive eight-point plan should be so eerily coincidental with the closure of Punch , of which we have heard so much . ’
26 We have looked upon it almost as convertible with thought , of which we have called it the very stuff and process .
27 Winch 's contention is that to conceive of the relation of an act to the person who acts in terms of the Kantian maxim ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ is mistaken since ‘ there is no general kind of behaviour of which we have to say that it is good without qualification ’ .
28 Winch 's claim , already referred to , ‘ that there is no general kind of behaviour of which we have to say that it is good without qualification ’ , is relevant here .
29 Indeed , there are many studies of primitive communities which not only claim that this possibility is realized but depict in detail the life of a society where the only means of social control is that general attitude of the group towards its own standard modes of behaviour in terms of which we have characterized rules of obligation …
30 Detailed trends in the distribution of income at any one time are the net result of many forces , several of which we have mentioned already .
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