Example sentences of "of [noun prp] have now [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A group of apple growers in the State of Washington have now filed a suit for " product disparagement " against the NRDC and the television programme Sixty Minutes , in which a skull and crossbones was shown over an apple .
2 The old industries of the north-east of England have now died .
3 For Richard , the Third Age foretold by Joachim of Fiore had now begun .
4 I am encouraged to see that in the more recent case of Ensign Tankers v. Stokes the House of Lords has now rejected the notion that the mere fact that a transaction is undertaken for the purpose of obtaining a fiscal advantage compels the court to ignore and nullify all the fiscal consequences which are beneficial to the taxpayer .
5 Considerable attention has been focused on the distinction between causing grievous bodily harm ( section 18 ) and inflicting grievous bodily harm ( section 20 ) : for many years it was believed that the more restrictive word ‘ inflict ’ meant that section 20 required proof of a sufficiently direct action by D to constitute an assault , but the House of Lords has now decided that there can be an ‘ infliction ’ of GBH without proof of an assault .
6 The state of Gujarat has now offered two hectares of land to every displaced family .
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