Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There has been so much interest in the industrial side , while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
2 There has been so much interest in the industrial side while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
3 When solving the up- or down-problem at node k in preceding sections , we first modified the original tableau of LPk to allow for the new or changed , upper or lower bound .
4 The British attitude had long been clear : the 1951 Conservative government had continued to follow the line laid down by the previous Labour foreign minister , Ernest Bevin , who said in the House of Commons in November 1950 that Britain preferred an expansion of the Treaty of Brussels to serve as the basis of military cooperation within NATO , but would not object to the EDC were it to be established .
5 2 Write the description of Wonderland to go in the brochure .
6 This included projected financial assistance from the government of Taiwan to assist with the balance of payments , and US$50,000,000 in US aid [ see above ] for social and economic development .
7 Francois now moved in the general direction of Neidenburg to get behind the Russian rear , despite the fact that Ludendorff had ordered him to march rapidly northeast toward Lahna .
8 And when the day shall come in which King Bucar arrives , order all the people of Valencia to go upon the walls , and sound your trumpets and tambours , and make the greatest rejoicing that ye can .
9 The rally , at the City Halls , Glasgow , will be attended by civil servants from the West of Scotland to protest at the Government 's market testing ( or privatisation ) programme .
10 This is the moment when the contestants take the solemn oath at the altar of Zeus to abide by the result of the race ; only the altar is not shown — in its place stands the god himself .
11 In 1862 he travelled to the island of Sardinia to advise on the developing railway system there .
12 Yes , we set up a unit affiliated to the University of Salzburg to look into the question of stress in music-making ; and also the influence of music on the mind and the body , of healthy people and sick people .
13 The reversal cleared the way for the Swiss cantonal court of Geneva to co-operate in the investigation by disclosing details of six secret accounts with Swiss banks which were alleged to contain money paid by Bofors in " commissions " .
14 What is the House of Commons to make of the reports of serious on-going disagreements between , on the one hand , Mr. Ian Burns and other most senior officials in the Home Office and the Metropolitan police , as represented by Mr. Bill Taylor , and , on the other side of this subject of how to deal with Ireland-originating situations , Mrs.
15 For example , McCullough cites the failure of Sibelius to compose for the last 20 years of his life as in part due to his discomfort at the rise of a genre of music with which he felt no affinity .
16 We have improved the model by including bromine chemistry and refined the treatment of PSCs to allow for the sedimentation and evaporation as described in section 5 of ref. 9 .
17 Canadian troops trained with the British amphibious forces at Inverary ( Argyll ) and were then taken in SS Empress of Canada to land on the island , 600 miles from the North Pole , on 24 August 1941 .
18 Yes it 's been understood that it was a routing thing to put them at the right side of Southwell to drive through the middle of it .
19 There must be real doubt the power of HDTV to persuade on the basis of picture quality alone .
20 French waste-paper merchants recently drove their lorries through the streets of Paris to demonstrate against the collapse in the price of their product .
21 The second of them in 21.4–9 recalls in its words of complaint the stories of Exodus 16 and 17 in particular , and also Numbers 11 : ‘ Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness ?
22 Today 's issue is perhaps a landmark of sorts , the 400th issue of Unigram.X to roll off the presses ( or to scroll up your screen for electronic subscribers ) .
23 To leave it to a free vote of the House might be taken as an indication that the Government had not made up its mind and would be an invitation to the House of Lords to delete from the Bill the clause abolishing the death penalty .
24 The new Committee agreed to ask the University of Birmingham to comment on the application , visits were made to the College , and discussion of the proposals and their implications continued .
25 She had already tried , without success , to press Franz-Joseph and the King of Italy to intervene on the side of France by at least bringing diplomatic pressure to bear on Berlin .
26 Not surprisingly influential Americans again showed impatience at the apparent inability of Britain to recover from the war .
27 The Witch of Jura had forced a man called MacPhie of Colonsay to stay on the island .
28 Owen uses the story of the binding of Isaac to comment on the war in which he was fighting , and has given it a vicious twist at the end .
29 ‘ In taking the heart out of the Lothians , the Government is also severely prejudicing the ability of Edinburgh to compete on the European and world stage , ’ said the Convenor of Lothian Regional Council , Eric Milligan .
30 ‘ In taking the heart out of the Lothians , the Government is also severely prejudicing the ability of Edinburgh to compete on the European and world stage ’ , said the Convenor of Lothian Regional Council , Eric Milligan .
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