Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [be] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Speech Court ’ in the Forest of Dean is still scheduled to be held every forty days , but the verderers ' sittings are formal , and their court is usually adjourned until there is sufficient business .
2 Crowe 's long-standing ambition to secure the lease of the royal ironworks in the Forest of Dean was finally rewarded in 1635 when he and his partners obtained the lease after the existing lessees had fallen foul of the royal forest jurisdiction .
3 PRI victories in the gubernatorial elections held in the northern states of Tamaulipas and Sinaloa and the central state of Puebla were fiercely disputed .
4 The Duke of Northumberland was unanimously chosen to be president .
5 He could see with half an eye that the kid 's aunt was going to be one of the confident , bossy , well-connected women with whom that part of Cambridgeshire was substantially over-provided .
6 A second round of PCR was then used to generate the PCR products shown in Fig. 5 a and discussed in the text .
7 The Duke of Wellington was happily seated between two attractive young ladies , while Lucille found herself between d'Alembord and a Dutch gunner colonel who complained about the victory eggs , refused the soup , and said the bread was too hard .
8 Since early February oyster-catchers had been arriving back from spending the winter around the big estuaries of mainland Britain and by the end of March were well distributed in coastal areas .
9 in the eastern parts of this county Your Majesty 's forests of Windsor are particularly burdened with the innumerable increase of deer , which if they shall go on so fast , in ten years more will neither leave food nor room for any other creature in the forests .
10 The site of acetylation of 5-ASA was widely assumed to be the liver , but it has recently been shown that the human colonic epithelial cell is capable of acetylating 5-ASA , and that N-acetyltransferase activity is present in the cytosol .
11 The northern lands of Kislev were quickly overwhelmed .
12 AZT which is sold under the trade name of Retrovir was once thought to offer real hope to people carrying the HIV virus .
13 A crucial stage in the reign of Offa was certainly reached in 784–5 when he intervened again in Kent , this time decisively .
14 The neighbouring city of Napier was entirely rebuilt after an earthquake in 1931 and this is not only a feature of the museum but many of the buildings are still in the style of the period , Art Deco .
15 It would be unfair to the House to spend hours reeling off reams of statistics but , so that the picture of Shrewsbury is fully painted , I must tell the House that in 1983 there were 1,334 long-term unemployed people .
16 Books are at the heart of long-lived auction businesses : Sotheby 's started with books in the eighteenth century , and the first founders of Christie 's also auctioned off famous libraries such as that of Dr Johnson in 1785 .
17 A more generous side of Taylor was also shown in the sermon , when he referred to Parliament 's task of making a political settlement after Ireland 's religious and civil wars .
18 The road continues on a switchback course , reaching more open ground with wider views and , after a few more miles that seem to be leading nowhere , arrives at the top of a hill where the cottages of Arnisdale are suddenly revealed around a bay ahead .
19 It was not Christie alone who saw the connections between peripheral military patronage and profit , and offers of minor posts about the Castle of Stirling were often considered worth making by politicians soliciting the town 's vote .
20 The vineyards of Villers-Marmery are well placed on the eastern slopes of the Montagne de Reims , between those of Verzy to the north and Trépail to the south .
21 a mate of mine actually worked out in Russia and he said you know , piece of discussions about when , where the Russian 's sort of appear first and this sort of he said he said erm , this , he said that , that kids running around on the streets of Moscow is actually given a working permit and so he could actual work there and sort of like er
22 Though most of the negotiations of 1558 – 59 which culminated in the peace of Cateau-Cambrésis were still conducted in Latin it is clear that French was also extensively used .
23 Sons of Harras were also imported to the USA and they also proved of great importance .
24 Thus , a language teacher who has qualified to teach in the Federal Republic of Germany is already regarded as having ‘ qualified teacher status ’ ( QTS ) here and can apply for teaching posts in UK schools .
25 Any lingering hopes of bringing more children out of Germany were finally stifled by a Home Office ruling that refugees from enemy territories would no longer be allowed entry under any circumstances .
26 The new battalion of Fusiliers was now considered to be of fighting strength and was expected to join the Allies on the Western Front .
27 Northward , the edges of Eldfell are startlingly coloured with the browns , reds and oranges of burnt rock .
28 The same might be said of Redon 's frequently alluded to fragility : according to Eisenman he was ever teetering on the brink of depression and death , though this in turn does not explain why the artist lived seventy-five years of life quite satisfactorily .
29 The count of Flanders was usually accompanied by between fifty and a hundred armed men ; the duke of Aquitaine took a hundred knights with him on a visit to the viscount of Ventadour .
30 Mr W. M. Haggarty of Ayr was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman in place of Mr C. Smith who also retired at this time , and Mr A. D. Lamond of Perth was unanimously elected to the Committee .
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