Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [noun] [conj] its " in BNC.

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1 More typical is the confused plight of Ewing Oil and its rickety chartered tanker , familiar to viewers of ‘ Dallas ’ ; or , in the real world , the American Trader whose load fouled southern California last month .
2 The Heyday of Nine Elms and its Locomotives By Colin Boocock
3 A TES leader ( 9.3.90 ) suggested this was because it is a voluntary-aided Church of England school and its pupils were expected to wear uniform , unlike those of some other , presumably more effective , local schools .
4 They spoke to the whole of South Africa and its leaders through wide coverage in the national press and radio .
5 How strong this support will prove to be in the last analysis remains to be seen , but Labour 's treatment of Mr Gould and its refusal to back calls for a referendum on the Treaty suggest that any hopes of altering the movement towards European Federalism remain with the Conservative Party .
6 Like many local authorities , the minutes of the meetings of Croydon Council and its sub-committees are accessible to Councillors and Officers in electronic from using a text retrieval system .
7 Mr. Goodenday supported the judge 's conclusion that , on the facts of this case , the appointment by the bank of Mr. O'Brien as its agent could not be inferred .
8 He was one of the last people to leave the old town of Wadi Halfa after its inhabitants had been transported south , and he has left a chilling account of the empty town 's last days .
9 Hugo Young ( ‘ Why the Dons Showed They 've Learnt the New Politics ’ , Guardian , 4 February 1985 ) appreciated this side of Mrs Thatcher and its relevance to the question of the honorary degree .
10 MARY BAILEY on the adaptable Astatotilapia burtoni cichlid of Lake Tanganyika and its environs .
11 The Hotel Metropole is prettily set on the water 's edge of Lake Como and its dining-room and terrace are specifically designed to take full advantage of this position , and give enchanting views across the lake .
12 ‘ Here we are — a testament to the work of Woodline Design since its inception , although it had a different title then . ’
13 Will he confirm that contrary to some suspicions expressed in various parts of the media and by some politicians , the major factor in the mind of Her Majesty 's Government when forming their policy towards Hong Kong is protecting the interests of Hong Kong and its people ?
14 Li stated that safeguarding the long-term stability and prosperity of Hong Kong was the common goal of both China and the UK , as well as of the inhabitants of Hong Kong and its foreign investors .
15 Murphy is a big fan of Australia rugby and its administration .
16 When , on his final journey to the police station , Raskolnikov kneels down in the middle of the Haymarket and kisses ‘ the earth , the filthy earth ’ ( zemlya ) as Sonya has bidden , it is entirely calculated by Dostoevsky that a tipsy artisan should laugh at the strange young man who ‘ is bowing down to the whole world and is kissing the capital city of St Petersburg and its soil ’ ( grunt , the German Grund ) .
17 In terms of Greater York and its th the York greenbelt I think it 's true to say that er some time ago when David Kaiserman of Manchester did research on greenbelts he came to the view , or he came up with the conclusions from his questionnaires that he sent round , and that study was done , must be ten , fifteen years ago or more , that greenbelts should endure unchanged for at least twenty years , and probably in excess of thirty , and those were the responses of county planning and other major planning authorities at that time , that view if anything has hardened , the public view would be way beyond thirty years .
18 Its success had been that both the people of West Germany and its central bank , the Bundesbank , had a deep-seated fear of inflation .
19 Its success had been that both the people of West Germany and its central bank , the Bundesbank , had a deep-seated fear of inflation .
20 Much was made of the argument that the West should first reach agreement on the rearmament of West Germany and its integration into the Western alliance before overtures were made to Moscow .
21 [ Major R. Martin , Historical Notes and Personal Recollections of West Hartlepool and its Founder , 1924 ; Eric Waggott , Jackson 's Town , 1980 ; Robert Wood , West Hartlepool : the Rise and Development of a Victorian New Town , 1969 . ]
22 Indeed , it applies to most of the wildlife of Sri Lanka and its National Parks .
23 The Water of Leith valley and its tributaries , especially the Bavelaw Burn , provide the principal wildlife corridor between the uplands of the Pentland Hills and the lower Water of Leith valley and the central urban area .
24 Within a year of the departure in October 1989 of Erich Honecker as its head of state , the German Democratic Republic ( East Germany or GDR ) ceased to exist , following unification with the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany or FRG ) , on Oct. 3 , 1990 [ see pp. 37761-63 ] .
25 For most , the Broads conjure up either a dull picture of flat , uncontoured landscapes sadly unrelieved by dramatic mountain scenery or stunning views , or else the cheap ‘ n ’ cheerful chips-with-everything ambience of Great Yarmouth and its neighbours .
26 Through the Kite Society of Great Britain and its Kite flier quarterly newsletter , Martin proposed standard rules to apply for his International Challenge .
27 As a result of his election as CPSU deputy general secretary [ see above ] , the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet on July 18 accepted the resignation of Volodymyr Ivashko as its Chairman ( de facto Ukrainian President ) , after only six weeks in office [ ibid . ] .
28 ‘ The new clause is an open invitation to every landowner and occupier of an SSSI to challenge the scientific validity of the notification process and the credibility of SNH staff and its advisory boards .
29 Created during the five months which the artist spent in Santa Fe at the end of last year and the beginning of this year , they are executed in oil inks applied by brush or rollers and smudged by Healey 's hand , their veils of rich colour capturing the mood of , rather than representing , the broad landscape of New Mexico and its dawn and dusk effects .
30 The airline 's purchase of a 30% stake and management control of Aerolineas Argentinas and its domestic-airline subsidiary , Austral , was plagued by disagreements with local investors and by strikes when Iberia tried to trim the group 's bloated labour force .
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