Example sentences of "of [pers pn] [conj] [noun] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 They were just about to move away when a big estate car eased out of a space in front of them and Stuart 's Mum parked with a grateful wave to the driver .
2 Basically I got a fax from him in LA yesterday , and apparently his daughter is a great fan of yours and Basil 's … and he too has become quite a fan .
3 ‘ What I 'm talking about is that secret of yours and Ryan 's . ’
4 Barney gave him a knowing wink , ‘ we shall be coming to watch this project of yours and Julie 's mind , ’ he called after him .
5 Agnes , however , died soon after and Philip wanted the legitimization of his and Agnes 's two children .
6 In the absence of feeling able to make any encouraging remark about the future of his and Rosemary 's love for each other , though , Leith opted to ask a fairly negative , ‘ Are you feeling any better today ? ’
7 Discussion of Sandra 's sex-life could easily stray into the area of his and Marjorie 's sex-life , or rather the lack of it , and he would rather not go into that .
8 It soon appeared in public in Cropper 's own pamphlet addressed to Wilberforce and in the writing of his and Roscoe 's colleague in the Liverpool Anti-Slavery Society , Adam Hodgson .
9 In the meantime , it is his only source of income and he has to pay for everything out of it , both his personal and official expenses , including the upkeep of his and Diana 's homes , their household , their wardrobes , the children 's schooling , the official cars , and the cost of entertaining .
10 Maybe it was she who 'd been deluding herself about the state of his and Sandra 's relationship , and not the other way around .
11 Schüssler Fiorenza has shown in an impressive way in In Memory of Her that women 's contribution to the life of the church was not so marginal as has often been assumed .
12 Yeah , towards Hastings and that shows they give their two descriptions of her and Tony 's Hastings they find have beautiful and they find her modest .
13 She felt a deep flush of embarrassment crawl up her neck as she gauged how far the sound of her and Mandy 's conversation might have carried .
14 Back on vinyl following a two-year bout of writer 's block , he 's surprised and depressed to find the media 's image of him as rock 's Mr Glum has survived , in spite of the exhilarating content of the new LP , These Immortal Souls ' ‘ I 'm Never Gon na Die Again' .
15 My flat-mates were out when I got back , which was fine by me ; I did not relish the prospect of facing the single-entendres that were Gav 's best approximation of wit , and which inevitably followed any sexual adventure of mine or Norris 's — real or imagined — Gav ever found out about .
16 He ate the peas from the cradled fork , not from the back of it as Blanche 's mother had taught her .
17 ‘ At one GP last year the four of us and Steve 's dad Mick were in the town for a drink , ’ recalls Simmons .
18 Behind us , the fanatical ‘ Whaddon Army ’ piled into the social club 's Morris Minor and the black-and-yellow horde sped along the Mitchley by-pass before crashing into the back of us when Reg 's brakes failed .
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