Example sentences of "of [noun pl] that [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 What those industries fear more than anything else is interference by the Government and the European Commission , interference in the choice of products that they can make , interference in the work patterns that they can enjoy and interference in their wage rates .
2 The examples of approaches to the measurement of products that we will outline are :
3 It is in the interests of this class that the workers can afford to buy the types of products that it can realistically expect to sell them .
4 And er then there was er oak and then there was different kinds of woods that you used to could you know s er imitate , make them look like maybe er er walnut .
5 on investment jobs a a at a handful of projects that we might need to start competitively
6 For those who have yet to take the plunge I hope the following will act as a series of checkpoints that you can apply to your own , unique situation .
7 I therefore welcome the inclusion of SmartIcons that extend the range of operations that you can easily do with the mouse .
8 And so it will be mainly the plight of widows that we shall be considering here , although , of course , many of their difficulties are shared by widowers , some of whose slightly different problems will be examined later .
9 The total number of books published in the UK has been rising relentlessly for over 10 years , but 1993 should herald a change in strategy from major publishers : Random House , HarperCollins and Reed Consumer Books are among companies to have announced that they are substantially reducing the number of titles that they will be publishing in 1993 .
10 Young children will be exploring the identity and simple attributes of objects that they can see and feel .
11 I shall add that to the list of discussions that I shall be having shortly with other assisting countries who are aiming to relieve the awful effects of the wars , wherever they may be occurring .
12 Right , Whitchurch seven , the , the report they want , where we 're getting to and there is an appendix at the proposals of course , for developing erm , a forum for Whitchurch er , with a range of activities that we could undertake to try to regenerate some confidence in Whitchurch .
13 Double jacquard can extend the range of patterns that you can use for ‘ Fair Isle ’ or two-colour work .
14 These vowel changes are brought about by rules — not the sort of rules that one might teach to language learners , but more like the instructions that one might build into a machine or write into a computer program .
15 Not satisfied with the haul of birds that he would bring back to Britain , Gould began to consider collecting marsupials as well .
16 So marvelous was the migrating instinct of birds that he could only ascribe it to the superior intelligence of their Creator .
17 of course our members er of which we 've got a hundred and twenty three thousand , flood the lines into Luton wanted to know what happens they imagined a surplus as being some pot of er big tub of notes that they can dip it and we can dip into , but of course the surpluses have been used basically by British Telecom in particular for funding early retirement schemes er we 're in no way in knowledge whether the money 's every been paid back .
18 It 's not as if there was a stash of notes that he could extort from Stone and take away with him .
19 I think there was a lot more concern here with getting a good set of notes that you can revise from .
20 This approach seems likely to leave a ‘ grey area ’ of flows that one might or might not choose to call turbulent .
21 Three weeks is not a long time to debate a Bill , but the number of hours that we can devote to the Bill during that period will be perfectly adequate .
22 It was not easy to forecast during his first couple of hours that he would be Man of the Match which ultimately was well-deserved .
23 The range of frequencies that we can respond to may be partly determined by our size .
24 The other thing you should remember is that there are all sorts of confidences that you can apply to these sort of things .
25 Don McCullin was n't allowed to go , which he thinks was because of the kind of images that he would have produced .
26 I do not mean just dating by this ; there are all sorts of relationships that you can enter into that are just on a one-to-one basis .
27 ( His meanings were tinged with the sharp edges of anxieties that she could n't comprehend , and joy laved them all away . )
28 But it is not only to the institutionalised abuse of animals that we must turn if we are progressively to disengage ourselves .
29 He mumbled a couple of words that I could n't quite hear .
30 The language of a finite-state recogniser is the set of words that it will accept .
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