Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Through the village , the road into Barbondale rises sharply before contouring for a level mile along the side of Barbon Low Fell , new plantings of conifers permitting only glimpses of Barbon Manor high on the left .
2 We will reform corporation tax and the taxation of savings to achieve even treatment for different forms of savings .
3 This case although incomplete is nonetheless very instructive — it demonstrates a layered case , the ability of remedies to take away symptoms but not cure the patient and the fact that centesimals can be introduced when you have n't got the LM !
4 The attractive array of goodies realised over £48 which will go towards buying Raffle Prizes for the Reunion .
5 This ringwork is the most impressive of a series of earthworks stretching away west of the church towards the village .
6 These use a simple pair of microphones spaced about 14cm apart on either side of a baffle or dummy head , to simulate our normal two-eared listening situation .
7 It is with these that the archaeological study of Romano-British mosaics is primarily concerned : the indicators of stylistic affinity upon which are based any suggestions of uniqueness of design , regularity between the interests of clients , the existence of aids to design i.e. pattern books , or the nature of the workforce employed .
8 The distribution of money allocated was very skewed : it ranged from nothing to over £20,000 , with 50% of libraries spending under £1,800 ( the modal value ) .
9 Barnardo 's also has workers focussing on the particular needs of families facing both haemophilia and HIV .
10 Two further groups of Committees bring together employers and employees .
11 However , the bulk of LDCs have neither oil resources to export nor a diversified manufacturing base , and it is these countries that account for a high proportion of the world 's poor .
12 Although the CD4 counts of the 877 people given AZT were consistently greater than those of patients receiving only placebo , the first three years of follow-up have shown that the proportions of people in the two groups progressing to overt AIDS or even to death were not significantly different at roughly 18 per cent .
13 The trial was halted after one year instead of the planned three after 20 per cent of patients taking only zidovudine died compared with only 10 per cent of those taking a ‘ cocktail ’ of zidovudine and acyclovir .
14 There appeared to be no survivors and there were plenty of witnesses to swear both Greg Martin and Paula Varna were on board when the yacht sailed — Martin was well known at the marina where he kept her and Paula was a highly visible character . ’
15 Although the existence of the statutes indicates certain offences which sometimes creep into public life , it is most gratifying to note that amongst the many tens of thousands of councillors serving voluntarily year by year in this country a prosecution under this Act is very rare indeed .
16 Butler also faced the court for non-payment of fines totalling over £500 .
17 The school 's Board of Governors meet tomorrow night and will decide what further action to take .
18 The three-course dinner menu makes good use of Scottish produce namely game and seafood , and whilst some recipes are traditional , others are home-brewed .
19 Further , since sets of genes stay together generation after generation , there is no ‘ conflict of interest ’ between the genes in an organism .
20 The order of saurischians includes both carnivores and plant eaters .
21 It is a testimony to the pervasiveness and tenacity of the homophobic tendencies of the psychoanalytic tradition that , despite the acute awareness on the part of feminists appropriating both Freud and Lacan that the writing of both contains anti-feminist tendencies , its homophobic dimensions are sometimes actively perpetuated in feminist accounts of sexual difference theory .
22 In the 1970s the real price of cigarettes fell about 30% because cigarette taxation did not keep pace with inflation .
23 50% of children excreting only Cryptosporidium had chronic diarrhoea .
24 The proportion of students remaining never smokers at first follow up and at second follow up was assessed .
25 No significant differences in the proportions of students remaining never smokers or non-smokers were found .
26 A FREEZE in the annual grant to the Royal Scottish National Orchestra was announced yesterday by the Scottish Arts Council when it released details of grants totalling almost £20 million for 1993-94 .
27 As the legislation stands and under the powers contained in clause 21(2) , the Secretary of State could alter the rights of householders to cover only compensation instead of remedial work , as specified in schedule 7 .
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