Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [vb pp] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 Goodenough 's group confirmed that the emotional content of dreams could be affected by pre-sleep stimulation ( in this case , a film entitled subcision — explicitly showing a series of operations carried out on the penis as part of a tribal aboriginal initiation rite ) .
2 It had resulted in the allocation of funds based not on the best interests of justice but on value for money .
3 Each has a vertical central stem and horizontal tiers of branches trained out on either side .
4 The current crop of presenters lined up on the steps of the same church outside Broadcasting House where the original team — Terry Wogan , Bob Holness , Jimmy Young and all — had posed exactly a quarter of a century before .
5 But it does imply the need for caution in making extreme claims about the distances of quasars based solely on redshift evidence , and it does suggest that Arp 's evidence concerning other , similar associations should be taken more seriously than has often been the case .
6 A different , and in some respects more constructive , approach adopted by some international lawyers ( especially Cassese , 1979 ) points to the weakness in terms of effective enforcement of a prohibition of weapons based only on the argument that they can not be used without violation of the general principles of the humanitarian law of war .
7 I , personally , have the number of days pasted up on the inside of my locker .
8 As the years passed , a rabbi from the New York yeshiva was imported to instruct the Reichmanns ' children in a rigorous six-day schedule of studies based largely on the Talmud .
9 Because of the sort of problems outlined above ( for a more detailed discussion the reader is referred to Mayer ( 1960 ) and Piercy ( 1964 ) it is desirable that the results of studies carried out on patients with brain damage be confirmed , and if possible extended , among normal subjects .
10 It is merely to stand at variance with a long established tradition — a long established system of beliefs based ultimately on someone 's speculative interpretation .
11 ‘ I was thinking that whenever I 've been into a student 's flat there was a different atmosphere … a lot of things pinned up on the walls , for instance posters mostly … ’
12 They were principally used on board ship to measure its speed by counting the number of knots paid out on a line tied to a log floating astern , while the sand-glass measured a given time that was usually half a minute .
13 The results of tests carried out on patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia illustrate the limited role for tests of gastric emptying in the management of patients with symptoms not attributable to previous surgery .
14 FEARS that a new doping scandal was about to erupt were firmly quashed yesterday by the Jockey Club , which announced that a series of tests carried out on recent race- course flops had proved negative .
15 Tests on families living within three miles of the tanker wreck , at Sumburgh , were compared with the results of tests carried out on people living 60 miles away in the north mainland .
16 Manufacturers ran up their mills , factories and works on the edge of existing towns , and their workers were housed in streets of terrace-houses built rapidly on the vacant ground all around the factory .
17 His diet excluded all these items and he claimed that 70 per cent of children improved considerably on this regime .
18 Then there was the Kit-Cat Club , founded by Jacob Tonson in 1700 , which became a place where Whig politicians and men of letters met together on a regular basis .
19 Unfortunately the rivers , meandering over their own aggradation , may be expected to produce comparable cliffing where they impinge against the solid rocks of the valley sides , so that , in practice , an interpretation of events based solely on the evidence of landforms is not practicable .
20 But video films of fires carried out on the test rig suggest that alarms will sound too late .
21 DB32 comes across as a sensible and logical set of recommendations based more on past experience in Britain and common sense , than on research , imagination or emulation of successful ideas from overseas .
22 The House of Representatives approved overwhelmingly on June 26 an appropriations bill which included a provision to allow federally funded family planning clinics to discuss the subject of abortion with their patients .
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