Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 MCD spectra provide information about the degeneracy of states and help with the assignment of electronic spectra .
2 According to a report in the Montreal Gazette the statues had been ‘ tampered with ’ in this way on several occasions , and the newspaper felt that they should be raised beyond the reach of pranksters or removed to an inside guarded site .
3 The cube dependence is not a precise match with the 3.4 exponent obtained from viscosity measurements of long chains , but it is acceptable , particularly as the model gives a satisfactory picture of how a polymer chain can overcome the restraining influence of entanglements and move within the matrix .
4 It is suited to large multi-divisional firms producing a wide range of products and/or operating across several countries .
5 There is evidence of large firms experimenting with flexible technologies and divisions of labour to produce a broader range of products and cater to speciality markets .
6 The ‘ higher criticism ’ , examining the Bible as one would any other ancient text , only impinged on the Church of England in 1860 with the publication of Essays and Reviews by various authors including Frederick Temple and Benjamin Jowett .
7 That night over a pretentious dinner ( ‘ delicate strips of milk-fed veal on a bed of herbs and accompanied by a tangy aromatic sauce specially prepared by our chefs ’ ) in a pretentious modern hotel and fortified by a bottle of local plonk , my Producer John Reynolds and I resolved to telephone the Palace Chamberlain in the morning , say that owing to a technical fault the film was not usable , and did the king have a spare hour in which we might shoot the interview again ?
8 In essence , it proposes the introduction of a system of checks and balances into the boardrooms of UK listed companies , to be administered by non-executive directors according to a prescribed code of best practice and to be given force by public disclosure of compliance .
9 In fairness , it must be said that the professions have worked out a number of checks and balances to this system , and a common alternative to a percentage fee , hourly rates , can work out as an even more expensive open cheque drawn on the public purse .
10 But the scene was set in the political climate of the Weimar Republic for political and functional devolution , a system of checks and balances between individual , sectional , and national interests .
11 Now , although the mixed constitution of checks and balances between King , Lords , and Commons may have been the theory of the constitution , the precise practice of eighteenth-century politics was recognised as very much more basic .
12 These votes came after a long and stormy debate ; some deputies warned of the dangers of dictatorship because the proposed new presidency lacked an adequate system of checks and balances by the legislature , and argued that a switch to presidential rule was premature .
13 The two main candidates had been Khasbulatov , nominated by the Democratic Russia group , and Sergei Baburin , nominated by the centrist Rossiya group of deputies and supported by the Communists of Russia group .
14 The chimpanzee scanned a tray of objects and went to a keyboard out of view of the tray and pressed a symbol corresponding to one of the objects .
15 Children have to learn that it is easier to start at one end of a line of objects and finish at the other .
16 The result of these tests will determine , for example , depth of foundations or need for special design such as raft construction or piles , problems associated with high water table for both foundations and drainage , need for de-watering , sulphate content of the soil and need to use sulphate-resistant cement .
17 Taking their terms of analysis from the burgeoning new field of semiotics and arguing against an earlier conception of Hollywood as a lost cause for feminism , Johnston and Cook re-read the films of women directors such as Ida Lupino and Dorothy Arzner .
18 the management of nationalised industries where important issues remain as to the most appropriate set of rules and controls under which to operate these industries .
19 In conjunction with several American firms , Clive and Stokes has been involved in developing ISA ( International Search Associates ) which aims to find firms who will adhere to a strict set of rules and co-operate in a manner which will enable the client to have the benefit of local know-how , with less restrictive off-limits constraints , but at the same time have an international outlook .
20 The contributions will provide the raw material for group discussions during the seminar , and will form the basis of strategies and plans to be implemented by WACC-LA/C over the next three years .
21 The participants represented a wide variety of views and tended on the whole to disapprove of state-imposed censorship .
22 It was a highly successful chevauchée : Lancaster relieved Pont Audemer , captured Verneuil , took a large number of prisoners and carried off much booty .
23 This could expose willing states to charges of being unduly harsh or lenient in their treatment of prisoners and open to acts of reprisal or terrorism from sympathisers of those imprisoned .
24 George raised himself , propped his line against a bundle of reeds and reached for his flask and pack .
25 Dementia was recorded as the cause of death for 22 per cent of cases and mentioned on 57 per cent of certificates .
26 Investigators conducting such studies are invited to contact the EPRG Project Co-ordinator ( Prof M. D. Rawlins , Wolfson Unit of Clinical Pharmacology , Department of Pharmacological Sciences , University of Newcastle , Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH , UK ) briefly outlining the study ( in not more than 2 to 3 sentences ) , its start date , its planned date of termination , and the projected numbers of cases and controls to be recruited .
27 ACE genotype ( DD more frequent in cases than in controls ) : Population ( different relative frequency of cases and controls in the 4 populations ) : Heterogeneity of ACE genotype effect across populations :
28 In each case , after charging , measurements of heat had to be made for several hundreds of hours and repeated at several different levels of current , between 0.05 and 1.5 amps corresponding to a current entering each square centimetre of surface of the rods of 8 and 64 mA. ( mA means a milliamp or thousandth of an amp , not a million amps as incorrectly stated in one newspaper . )
29 There is a natural time scale to the experiment , charging the cells , inducing the phenomenon for hundreds of hours and monitoring at different currents ; you can not hurry science .
30 Courses vary a great deal in both their length and the number of people who attend them , and it would clearly be unjustified to assume that a single course on one topic was outweighed by , say , five courses on another if the single course involved fifty teachers in a full day 's attendance each week for a term , while each of the five other courses lasted only a couple of hours and catered for half a dozen teachers .
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