Example sentences of "of [adj] time and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first is that enormous amounts of professional time and effort will be absorbed in explaining apparent differences between classes and schools .
2 While this is obviously demanding of professional time and effort , it need not be particularly difficult to achieve , and the investment should repay itself with dividends .
3 Of intervening time and place .
4 Grand narrative , whether we recognise it or not , provides us with our markers of historical time and space .
5 Since I lost my husband I have a lot of free time and hospital radio is just one of the many ways in which I fill it .
6 Hareven 's view is that economic circumstances have eased in the twentieth century , for most people , so that the alignment of individual time and family time has increasingly become a voluntary matter , whereas the stark economic conditions of the nineteenth century made this an absolute necessity ( Hareven , 1978 ) .
7 It is important , too , to be aware that sociologists , like all other researchers , do their work in the real world of limited time and resources .
8 When it comes to operational issues and manpower , the stock answer is that information on the running costs of individual units is not held centrally and could be provided only by the use of disproportionate time and effort , yet the Minister criticises us for not being more specific .
9 There we find similar bodily constructs built up as series of organizing principles , so that the other regiment or unit is perceived to operate in some kind of polluted time and space , and its aberrant nuances of uniform styling used as a marker of significant difference .
10 Usually that results in a lot of wasted time and money as you sort out problems which should have been dealt with before you opened the studio door .
11 These should be run-of-the-mill problems to the experienced recruitment specialist , but they could cause you a deal of anxiety and frustration , as well as cost you a lost of wasted time and effort .
12 Questions must also be asked about why the sprinter has only now , after five months of considerable time and expense from lawyers , advisers and athletics officials , revealed information that even Morphitis did not know about .
13 They were there to hear Budd Hopkins , author of Missing Time and Intruders , and the leading US researcher into alien abduction .
14 Sir Christopher Wren 's 17th-century masterpiece in Greenwich , south-east London , is the home of Mean Time and Longitude Zero .
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