Example sentences of "of [art] long [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The guilt she felt in depriving him of any pleasure was like a stitch in her side , yet the thought of the long day and the long drive were beyond acceptance .
2 A member of the Bouchier family served under Henry VIII at the Field of the Cloth of Gold , and later in the reign of Charles I , Sir John Bouchier was a member of the Long Parliament and one of those responsible for the King 's death .
3 His private papers , which include a diary of the first year of the Long Parliament and copies of his speeches , are contained among the Tanner manuscripts .
4 He had half-expected that the response would be a thrust of the long spurs and a head-down gallop for the open , and those ahead had orders to bring down the horse if Isambard tried it ; but instead he stirred gently in the saddle and brought his mount edging forward in obedience to the order , dancing restively past the quivering arrow , and almost abreast of Owen 's hiding-place .
5 Britta shook her hair free of the long fingers and their slow stroking .
6 The mid 70s soccer hooligan of fact and fable would most likely have some approximation of the long back and sides , short top & fringe .
7 In spite of the long hours and sense of being almost constantly on call it was n't all work at Howard .
8 Like the long spade , the graft has a rounded blade but this is longer than that of the long spade and the taper is sharper .
9 ENGLISH law governing remedies for interference with goods is exceedingly technical , partly because of the long survival and overlap of a number of different heads of liability and partly because the law , though tortious in form , is largely proprietary in function .
10 What of the long menus and , the everlasting sameness of the food ?
11 At this moment a lion bursts out of the long grass and bush and leaps on a warrior .
12 We may contrast these with the broadening , expansive effect of the long vowels and monosyllables in " enormous dome of the sky " ( 3 ) .
13 The heads of insects are broadly divisible into three types ( Fig. 6 ) depending on the inclination of the long axis and the position of the mouthparts .
14 I leaned forward , put my thumb under my lip and jerked it up to give him a close-up view of the long gash and the trailing blood-stained ends of the stitches .
15 Because of the long gestation and lactation periods , the interval between calving is usually at least two or three years .
16 Bergson turned from the bank of screens that took up one whole wall of the long room and got up from his chair .
17 The hypotheses , formed after his observations , are many ; but most of them are related to the empirical findings of a long tradition and the world is spared a too individualistic interpretation of some of Nature 's more self-willed manifestations .
18 It was said that on the first occasion that a female student ‘ scrubbed ’ with him he was reaching the end of a long case and held up the piece of cat-gut slung under the ureter ( to identify it and keep it safe during the dissection ) , saying ‘ Cut ! ’
19 Riskless and pure discount debentures , shares , calls and puts may now be combined as follows : The right-hand side of the above equation , the combination of a long share and a purchased put , is a manufactured purchased call .
20 But chimpanzees do not breed well in captivity , partly because of a long pregnancy and childhood , and trapping them in the wild is expensive and wasteful enough to put them at risk of extinction .
21 MUR ON TIG WON The disagreeable experience of listening to oneself in the middle of a long speech and neither understanding what one is saying nor enjoying the manner in which it is being said ; a foreign accent ; a lion breaking wind after the evening repast
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